Dragon's Lair -- by Dagney
Rating: NC-17
Description: Willow, Spike, Aaron and Giles at the beginning of time. This story is a pre-quell to my Blue Moon Love Series.
Author's Note: I am borrowing from several Celtic legends/mythology. I will give credit where due. In the prolog I am borrowing the Celtic Goddess Macha. She was alleged to be a war goddess who's royal stronghold was Emain Mhacha who fought and ensnared five brothers who she used as slaves to build this fort. She was also believed to be the goddess who cultivated crops. I am changing the myth a bit and giving her power to create animals.
Disclaimer: Joss owns all. Dagney owns all other characters not associated with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The Goddess Macha was weary. She had been in conflict with the five O'Floinn brothers over Emain Mhacha her personal domain. Macha had sought them out one by one on their hunting ground. She had enticed four of the five brothers into her forest and bound each one in turn to her in servitude. She had the four O'Floinn's building a mighty fort on Emain Mhacha. This fort would make Emain Mhacha invincible to others seeking her domain.
The fifth and last brother Adomnan, was proving to be more difficult. Macha was unsuccessful in seducing him. She knew she needed a plan to conquer this stubborn mortal. Macha slept in her alcazar, in the glade where the magic waterfall coursed. Upon awaking Macha knew what her plan was to be.
She would bring into being, two creatures, one to lure the stupid mortal and one to bring about its death. The man Adomnan liked to hunt. Macha would create a sly female fox to lure the mortal. Macha would create a dragon to inhabit the hidden cave behind the waterfall. When the fox lured the mortal into the glade the dragon would charge from behind the waterfall and slay him. Macha smiled at her brilliance. < Now how to get the two stupid creatures to do her bidding? >
Macha decided to ensure the mutual cooperation of the creatures by giving them one mortal soul to share between them. They would know one another's thought and desires. The soul would feel complete together. They would serve her or bear her wrath. By having one mortal soul Macha knew she could intimidate both creatures true animal natures to subservience by threatening the life of the other. Macha's experience with mortals was that they would do anything to save their souls.
At dawn Macha called upon her powers and created a fox. She was lithe and had a red silky coat. Macha gave the fox emerald eyes; the same color as her lush glade. She made the fox cunning and fearless. The dragon she called forth from the underworld. He was large and muscular. Macha gave the dragon ice blue eyes; the same color as her waterfall frozen in winter. She made the dragon loyal and impulsive. Last Macha gave the two creatures one brand new mortal soul. Macha knew she would have to wait several days for the new beings to adapt to their surroundings and each other. She would be patient a little longer.
Green eyes looked at lush, green foliage. She sensed a small animal; Hunger gnawed in her belly. She picked up the sent of her prey and took off in pursuit through the dark green vines and ferns. She captured the small mole and snapped its neck with her long powerful snout. She licked her lips and groomed the animal's blood off her coat. She smelled water nearby. The fox came upon a large cascading waterfall. The sound of the water crashing deafened her acute hearing. She lapped the cold water.
The dragon looked out with icy blue eyes from behind the cascading waterfall. He had explored the glade and learned the boundaries of his realm. As a creature of the underworld he knew he could exist only within an enchanted place. He saw a blur of red and something deep within him quivered. He slowly moved from the cave through the waterfall, he was hungry.
The fox didn't hear the dragon at first, she smelled him and her heart began to race, she lifted her eyes and at the base of the falls he stood poised as if ready to strike. Her instincts told her to flee for her life as this large animal could devour her. She looked at him with her green eyes and was met by his clear blue ones. She felt a strange tremor. They stared at one another frozen for what seemed like an eternity. His size and power awed her. He had razor sharp teeth and his scales, glinted and dropped water the same color as his eyes. The dragon watched the fox with admiration; he envied her grace and beauty. The dragon knew he was powerful but ungainly and looked fierce. His animal intent was to slay this creature but he could do nothing but stare at her. The fox felt the strange tremors increase as she looked into the dragon's eyes. She heeded her animal instinct and fled. She was aware as she fled that the animal was hungry and she felt empathy for this large creature.
The next morning the dragon came out from his cave and found two freshly killed rabbits on the riverbank. He moved as quickly as his limbs would carry him. He looked around suspiciously. He could feel eyes watching him but couldn't smell any prey. He bent down and sniffed the animal carcasses. He caught the sent of the female fox. He felt a quiver deep within his body. He ate the offered bounty and growled deep in his throat his contentment. The fox felt another tremor course through her body.
The next day the fox drove a small fawn into the glade. The dragon had been watching for the fox and charged out of the cave and slayed the young fawn. He saw the fox panting and glistening from her exertions. The dragon ate part of the fawn and moved back to allow the fox to claim her prize. The fox watched the dragon with trepidation. She slowly crept up to the dead animal and ate her fill, watching the dragon watch her. The dragon watched the fox eat and drink her fill. He watched the woodland creature groom and preen her fur upon the knoll overlooking the river. He felt himself unusually sated and comfortable. The fox felt protected and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Macha returned to the glade and explained to the two creatures that she was responsible for their creation. Macha explained her mission for the creatures. The fox's heart beat in fear. She knew that to challenge or tease hunters would very likely lead to her death. The dragon felt the fox's fear and growled at the Goddess in warning. Macha laughed, "how very mortal" she scoffed. She explained that if the fox didn't lure the hunter into the glade she would send the dragon back to the underworld. She made know to the dragon that if he was unsuccessful in killing the man, she would torture the fox to death just outside the the enchanted glade where he cold witness the results of his impotence. The dragon was filled with rage at his creator. The fox worry bloomed into concern for the dragon. She knew what she had to do. The dragon knew what he had to do.
The fox had never run so fast. She could hear the baying hounds hot on her heels. Her heart felt like it would leap from her small body. Her limbs ached with exertion. She was almost upon the glade. The dragon stalked impatiently in the glade awaiting her return. He smelled her sent first then heard the sound of the dogs. She broke through the trees and dashed past him. The dogs smelled the dragon and split off from the charge and whined in terror. The man, Adomnan ran into the clearing and was surprised by the dragon. The dragon used his powerful claws to knock the man down and leaned down to finish the man.
Adomnan cursed the dragon. If you shall kill me I will come back to hunt you down and kill you, and I shall chase the other until I possess her and destroy her also. The dragon snapped the mortal man and left his broken body for his mistress Macha.
Macha gloated to the O'Floinn brothers her success in destroying their kin. The brother's raged and swore vengeance upon their brother's killer. The brother's knew they were powerless to stop Macha but banded together to hunt the creatures that killed their brother.
The fox ran faster and faster but couldn't escape the hounds and the men who chased her. Her thoughts went to the mighty dragon. If only she could see him once more. The men fired their weapons and two hit her small body. The dragon sensed the fox's mortal injury and growled in fury. He raced to the edge of his enchanted glade and wanted to see her once again. The fox limped into the glade and collapsed at his feet. He leaned down and gently licked the blood off her coat. The fox's green eyes looked into his blue ones sighed and died. The dragon howled his pain. The four men stopped and looked at the menacing Dragon expecting him to retreat or attack. The dragon simply lay down next to the small fox passively. The men attacked and killed the dragon imagining it was Macha.
Part One
Author's Note: Aine was a Celtic fertility Goddess. She was thought to rule in province Lough Gur, on a magical island. She was also reputed to be able to shape shift into an old hag who brought strife to those who refused her. Tuatha De Danaan, was an Irish tribe of the Goddess Danu. According to folklore the Tuatha De Danaan were a race of people skilled in the art of druidism and magic. At one time the tribe laid claim to the entire island of Ireland, invaded and fought this tribe. The two warring sides came to a compromise and divided the country in two. The Celts took possession of the upper half, and the Tuatha De were given a subterranean realm under the hills of Ireland. There they were believed to live in the otherworld without grief, without sorrow without death or age. Scattered throughout the Irish countryside are mounds called sidh. In reality these are burial mounds. According to Celtic folklore they were the gateway to the domain of Tuatha De. On certain occasions during the year, especially the eve of feast of Samhain Nov. 1st, spirits were free to leave their sidh to roam the countryside. Once again I am borrowing from this mythology to tell my tale. My tale of Spike and Willow's first human meeting is loosely based upon the celtic story of Diarmaid and Grainne. In this Irish tale a young women (Grainne) who is daughter of Irelands king is engaged to an elderly war hero Finn. At Grainne and Finn's wedding feast she cast a magic spell enchanting the guest with the exception of Diarmaid, a young man in her husband to be army. She cast a geis (a type of spell or prohibition that supercedes all divine and human jurisdiction. Thus binding the person to whom the geis is cast upon to follow the wishes of the person initiating the geis). Grainne cast a geis upon Diarmaid that he accompany her and take her away from the situation or that he would not only met his death and destruction but dishonor as well. He complied. Finn awoke and in his fury chased after the couple all over Ireland. Grainne's foster father Oengus helped the couple evade Finn and his army. Oengus was a God who warned the couple not to stay in the same spot for more than one night. He is said to have hastily erected dolmens (consisted of three to seven large stone columns, with a large stone cap; these resembling large stone tables.) These dolmens are found throughout Ireland and are today referred to as Diarmaid and Grainne beds. I am borrowing and mixing the myths and Gods/Goddess as I mentioned above. I'm sure it won't take the reader long to figure out who the protagonist is in this earlier incarnation. I also ask the reader to think of Willow's foster father in my story as an earlier incarnation of Giles. Yes I am going to use my pseudonym, Dagney. I wanted a simple name I could write for both Willow/Dagney and Spike/Daire. Whew that out of the way here we go.
Aine transformed as an old hag swaddled the stillborn child in her cloak. The Lugh family had always paid her fine tribute and respected her simple requests. Thus, Aine took the stillborn male from Nera Lugh. As it was October 31st Aine would travel to the nearest sidh and conger a spirit from the otherworld to inhabit this lifeless babe. After all she had her reputation as a fertility goddess to keep.
Aine laid the babe upon the sidh. As the moon climbed in the night sky she awaited the opening of the otherworld. Aine stood on one leg and reached forward with one arm, as was the druid way.
She began the incantation, "Beloved Goddess Danu, Queen of the underworld please hear my plea." "Offer up on this sacred night a souled one from the underworld" "If it shall please thee, I shall do thee bidding in sowing a bountiful harvest across your mother Demeter's plains."
The sidh shook, as did the ground under Aine's feet, she lost her balance and fell hard to the ground, hitting her head upon a sharp stone. She rose and saw movement under her cloak. Aine gave thanks to Danu for hearing her appeal. Aine unwrapped the cloak and sucked in her breath. "Hera," she swore. Aine gazed upon the male child resurrected, looking at her with icy blue eyes; but she also saw a green eyed, redheaded baby girl, who clutched the tiny hand of the male child lying next to her. < Whose baby girl is this? > < Hera, what have I done? > < Danu, what should I do with her, this child of the underworld? >
Aine picked up both babies and wrapped them in her cloak. She headed back toward her home. Aine thought about the baby girl. < Ah, the Queen of Ireland had been paying her tribute to enable her to become with child. > Aine knew that she couldn't help the Queen due to her husband's bad seed. Aine was empathetic of the Queen's plight, as the King had threatened to seek another to bear him a child. < This child could pass as the King's daughter. > < I've got little to loose and it can't hurt to have the King and Queen beholding to me. > Aine left the baby girl with the Queen.
She returned to her home by sunrise after dropping the male child off at Nera Lugh's. Aine was glad to be rid of the squalling brat. He screamed like a bloody fury ever since she had separated him from the little lass. Aine had a headache, she crawled into her bed; < no one appreciates how hard it is to be a goddess. >
The Lugh's were happy to se they're first born son healthy. They named him Daire. The Queen was able to keep the baby girl's presence secret from her husband as he was currently away on business in a nearby nation. Upon his return she would tell him she was several months along with child. The baby girl shall make an appearance shortly thereafter. The Queen decided she shall be called Dagney
"Niall, one of our own has been drawn into the above world by Aine" explained Danu.
"Is it your wish that I bring her back?" Niall asked.
Danu paused, "no perhaps it is time for our kind to roam free in the above world again."
"You shall go and be her mentor and protector, teach her our ways." Danu smiled. " Make sure she knows she is special and that she won't be wasted on some pitiful mortal." Danu commanded.
"But Goddess, if she is in the other world she lives as a mortal? Does she not?" Niall asked.
"Yes, but her soul is from Tuatha De Danaan." Danu proclaimed.
" Niall, you have some time to prepare, you cannot cross over until the feast of Samhain." Danu dismissed Niall with a wave of her hand.
King Brian Boru smiled down at his tiny redheaded daughter. " She is magnificent, Clio," he said softly placing a kiss on his wife's forehead. < She barely looks like she's broken a sweat. >
" I shall like to call her Dagney." Clio asked smiling up at her husband. < You foolish swine. > < Now that I have given you a child you shall not be able to rid yourself of me, nor shall I have to put up with your boorish attempts to fornicate. >
"Yes, as you finally graced me with a child why not, Dagny Boru it shall be." The king left his wife's chambers and requested a handmaiden be brought to him to help him celebrate.
Nera and Collin Lugh were overjoyed with their son Daire. The couple knew that they should place the baby into his cradle but they wanted to have him between them. Nera reminded Collin that Daire was special, that Aine had made him well. Collin touched his son's soft head as he watched him nurse at his wife's breast in awe. " Your pretty amazing yourself," he grinned and kissed his wife on the lips.
16 years later
Daire had walked in on his parents groping and kissing one another in the kitchen. < I can't believe them, they never stop, and ma is ready to give birth to yet another child. I'm sure it shall be another sister, 'tis not like I have enough already. > "Daire," one of his five sisters tugged on his arm, " You promised" Eriu whined. " Not now, I've got to talk to Da, be off with you" Daire said sharply.
His parents looked up at him, " I've got to talk to you both." He said. < He reviewed in his head all the reasons he was going to give them for him going off to Dublin to join with Cormac's army. I'll not live out my life on this farm and die here. I've to see the world and have a bit of adventure before I settle down. >
Despite his mothers tears Daire felt good that his father was supportive of his decision. His father was unhappy that he was going to take up with the Viking Clan but understood his need to spread his wings a bit. ~~~~~ Niall looked in amazement at Dagney. < She is a magnificently beautiful young woman. She is also one of the most stubborn temperamental chits I have ever know mortal or Goddess. > Niall couldn't help but laugh at his charge. " You can not conquer the stone Dagney, it is not alive...instead you must use the air." He encouraged. " That it" he watched as her face scrunched up and her green eyes narrowed in concentration as she managed to levitate the large rock.
The rock splintered into small pieces. " Hera" she swore stomping her foot as her long red hair flew about her face like she was a fury.
"Dagney", he chuckled " patience". " Your Mother and Father would not approve of your swearing either" he admonished. " How will your father find a suitable husband for you when you go about swearing like a solider?" Niall teased.
" I shall not be married, Niall." " Not to anyone, I shall be my own women." She said royally.
"Unless of course you decide to make me your consort." " That might be agreeable, but I shall never marry" She smiled at his slyly.
Niall found himself aroused by his young charge. He wasn't sure when things had changed for him. He had always enjoyed his tutoring the child. Her brilliant and inquisitive mind made her a quick study. Her stubborn streak and fearlessness kept him challenged by her as often as not. Lately his thought drifted to a more impure nature. It was his own fault his not making her more disciplined. Her mother catered to the child's every whim. Her father treated her with ambivalence and looked upon her as an investment. Niall walked a fine line between both parents. Her father tolerated him, and warned him that Dagney safety and virtue were to remain intact. Niall scoffed angrily, that it wasn't the girls' welfare her father was concerned about but her value as a pawn in his growing empire. The King saw the powerful Druid in his court another resource to exploit. He used Niall's affections for the child against him at times to have him perform powerful spells over the king's enemies. Niall cursed himself self over his involvement with the child's mother Clio. He and Clio had been lovers for some time now. The King knew but didn't care. Niall was in a trap of his own making. The King used his wife and daughter to manipulate him.
Niall was shocked out of his silent reverie as he heard: "That is of course, if you fancy me more than my mother?" Dagney grinned.
Niall blushed, "That sassy talk shall get you into trouble young lady." He lectured. " If you spent more time on your studies and worked your spells instead of challenging everyone around you out of spite."
Niall stopped his lecture as he noted Dagney's downcast look. < What does she know of her mother and I? Is she teasing or jealous? >
Dagney hated it when Niall was cross with her. She didn't like having to share him with anyone. Niall had always been her constant companion; he was her father, her friend, and her teacher. He told her how special and gifted she was. Dagney couldn't help but feel jealous that he appeared to love her mother in a way that he didn't her. Dagney in her Druid studies watched nature and was well aware of how animals mated. She had a hard time thinking of Niall mounting her mother like a stallion. < Well she could imagine Niall all-powerful and strong but her mother.,.. ewee. > Dagney didn't understand why humans wanted to lose control like animals anyway. < Perhaps I need to study this a bit more to comprehend the power and use of copulation, outside the need for procreation>
" Come Dagney, lets see you levitate that rock there." Niall said pointing.
Daire had started out as a livestock handler in Cormac's army. He had this job until six months ago when he had joined a fierce battle against another clan of Vikings trying to overrun Cormac's territory. Cormac himself had witnessed Daire's bravery and prowess in battle. Cormac decided to make the lad his aide de camp. His nephew Liam was about the same age as the lad Daire, was also his aide. His nephew Liam was bright enough but lacked some of Daire's natural grace and skill in battle. Cormac knew that he intimidated Liam but hoped that having a younger peer around would help Liam grow. Cormac watched the two young men practicing their dueling. Liam was gangly, thin and blond, as Daire was larger in build and dark of coloring. Cormac noted that Daire had quite the temper. He had seen the boy stab several opponents with his icy blue eyes before running them through with his blade. < If only Liam had that passion. >
Dagney had been spying again and overheard her father speak of marriage to Dermot O'Leary, a large landowner that was loyal to her father. < I shall never marry. Besides Dermot had outlived two wives, he has bred six sons, why should he want to remarry? > Dagney ran off in search of Niall, he would help her figure out a way to dissuade her father.
Dagney had looked all over for Niall. < Where can he be? > < I need him. > < Perhaps mother knows where he is. > As Dagney entered her mother's suite she heard moaning coming from her mothers bedchamber. < Mother must be ill.. I can help her with some herbs or a spell. > Dagney quickly moved to her mother's door and opened it. Dagney saw Niall naked ass lying upon her mother's bed and his head between her mother's legs. He looked like he was devouring her. He had his hands on his mother's breasts. He was hurting her. Her mother cried out in pain and her eyes glazed over. Dagney picked up a water basin and brought it down on Niall's head. Clio yelled in shock and outrage. " Dagney... what.. Oh my..." Niall had rolled off the bed with the impact of her blow and was lying on his back upon the floor groaning. Dagney eyes were drawn to Niall's swollen member. She looked back at her mother, who was hastily pulling the sheets up, over her naked form. "Hera?" Dagney swore "Explain this ... why was Niall hurting you?" she asked tears in her eyes. She felt betrayed by her best friend. Dagney noticed her mother's embarrassment and deduced that this was not what it seemed. It was some sort of mating. Dagney felt sick.
Niall moaned, he felt hot tears fall upon his face. He opened his blue green eyes and his vision cleared. He saw hurt green eyes boring into his. " How could you do this to me?" she cried. Dagney stood up and screamed at her Mother HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Dagney bolted from the room.
Cormac asked to see both Liam and Daire. "Lads I've an important task for you both." " I want you to travel to Tara to see King Boru." " I want you to inquire about him selling me some land adjoining Tara".
Both young men were eager for the important task.
Cormac explained his wishes to the two young men. He gave them guidelines as to what to offer. He also instructed them to look around Tara and assess the King's strengths and weakness. He reminded Liam and Daire that at some point, " the King may become an enemy." "Always investigate what the competition has to offer." "Most important if you truly want something bad enough, take it use force if necessary." Cormac lectured.
He was interrupted by an older solider who clutched a young redheaded girl. " This one had escaped... sir.. but we managed to catch her." the solider replied.
Liam and Daire watched Cormac. Daire knew that as part of the warfare the Viking army engaged upon, it was often common place to capture women and children as bounty. The army then traded or sold the prisoners back to gain either goods or to help settle into a peaceful accord. Daire had seen Cormac offer prisoners back to the defeated opponents in a benevolent manner to coax their loyalty.
Cormac moved closer to the small girl. He lifted her face and saw green eyes peer back at him. " You thought you were being a sly little fox, trying to best me!" Cormac growled. He backhanded the girl, splitting her lip with his ring.
Liam and Daire jumped at Cormac's violent outburst. Daire moved forward, < this girl is hardly older then one of my sisters> and put his hand on Cormac's arm. Cormac seemed oblivious to his presence. He smiled at the girl lecherously. " I order you to take the girl into the camp. Every solider shall have his way with her, then I want whatever is left of her brought back to me!" he grinned evilly. Daire saw the girl shudder and felt a corresponding shutter go through his own body. Daire had never seen Cormac this angry or vengeful. Daire saw Liam bolt from the room. Cormac focused on Daire, " Would you like to be first lad?" " I'm sure this whore has spread her legs before but best to have a piece before half the camp." He snickered. The girl whimpered and sagged in the soldier's grasp. Daire felt sick to his stomach. He had always seen his parents treat one another with love and respect in regards to carnal acts. Cormac saw Daire blanch, " come now boy don't tell me yea are still a virgin?" " No need to be shy about it." Daire found his tongue, " This is wrong Cormac." He gave him an icy stare.
" You dare question me?" " You little whelp, perhaps you prefer a young lad instead?" Cormac ripped the shaking girl's dress from her small body. " Look at her lad, you can turn her over and pretend she is a lad."
" No!" " You must stop this!" Daire commanded, he felt his stomach lurch at the terror in the girl's green eyes.
" Cormac slapped Daire, " You shall never question my authority boy, Ever!" " If you can't get it up then you shall watch!" he ordered. He pointed at the solider; " You may take her first."
" Yes sir" he replied. He pushed the girl down and began to unbuckle his pants.
Daire moved forward to stop him. Cormac struck out again at the young man. He quickly subdued the struggling man and held him in such a way that to force his face upon the girl's rape. Daire shut his eyes, but he couldn't shut out the small girl's screams. He vomited. Cormac released him. " You're as pathetic as my nephew!" he said in disgust. You and he should go now to Tara.
Daire and Liam rode out of camp silently. "I don't know what comes over his sometimes." Liam said softly.
" Has he done that before?" Daire asked.
" Yes, he seems fixated and cruel when it comes to redheads." Liam answered. "I don't understand.. he is honorable and fair in battle but this." " Once when he had a slave raped by the entire camp he brought her back and waited till she regained consciousness.. then he tortured her violently." He was so angry with me.. he made me watch." Liam's voice shook. " He did unspeakable things to the women. " He seemed to get such pleasure out of making her suffer and scream."
The two resumed their silent ride.
Dagney ran from the room. She felt totally betrayed by the two most important people in her life. She long ago knew that her father was interested only in his kingdom. Dagney sought out her father. < I will not ever be married> Dagney interrupted a meeting her father was having with the physician.
" Father, I must speak with you." She said wiping tears from her eyes.
< I see she has found out I mean to marry her off to Dermot, sneaky little witch just like her mother. >
" Now Dagney, there isn't much to talk about, You shall be married by tomorrow night, I will host the wedding feast." He said tightly.
" No!" " No." "I won't." she retorted angrily. The physician shifted uncomfortably. The King was outraged. " YOU SHALL!" He roared.
The physician excused himself, " Go upstairs and wait in her chambers I shall have her brought up there!" the king snapped irritated.
" Dagney shook her head and her eyes flashed, " I won't allow it, and you can't make me." She spat at her father.
The king grabbed his daughter, " You shall do whatever I damn well order" as he shook her.
" Hah! You can't even keep Naill from between your wife's legs" she said angrily.
Dagney regretted her words as soon as they tumbled from her lips in anger. Her father's face was purple with rage. He slapped her hard. Dagney's eyes burned with tears no one had ever hit her before. Her father spat, " I don't care what that whore does." " You just better hope that that he hasn't been between yours!" he roared shaking her violently before letting her go to fall to the floor in a heap. " If you've been with anyone, I'll bloody will ship you off to a convent of that fanatic Patrick's." he said from clutched lips.
That damn Dermot wants to make sure you aren't carrying another's babe in your belly. The doctor is here to make sure you are still a virgin. " Father please," Dagney begged, " I can't be married to him..." she reached up to touch his leg.
" I've had enough of your mischief and nonsense." " I should have married you off last year, your nearly too old, almost ten and seven." " Your strong willed enough that's for sure, so I can understand you not wanting to be under another's dominance, but you've got too many sniffing round you girl... it's only a matter of time."
Dagney raised her self up to her full height, " I am not some animal that shall be bought and sold as chattel."
" Yes, you are" the king said solemnly.
The king yelled for two aides, " take her up to her chamber, get four of the female staff to help the doctor.
Dagney yelled and tried to make a brake for the door.
" I won't let that filthy, horse doctor touch me!" she yelled, as she was dragged kicking and screaming from the door.
< What have I ever done to deserve that? Too bad she was not born a man, a mighty warrior she would have made.> The king swallowed some ale.
The doctor and the four women struggled with Dagney as she fought them. She swore all sorts of curses upon the doctor if he touched her. The five were unable to subdue the girl so the two aids were called back into help tie her up. The two aides left and two women stripped her from the waist down. She struggled and swore. " You shall have pig faced children" at the women. She threatened the doctor with loosing his hair. She watched in fear as he lubricated his fingers. She knew he was going to touch her there. < No one shall touch me unless invited ever. > She growled out at the doctor, " If you touch me I shall put a hex on you and your cock shall wither up and fall off like a dead leaf from a vine!" she threatened. " You know I have the power" she threatened her eyes burning into his.
He began to sweat. He looked at an elderly female servant. " You shall examine the lass" " You will enter her slowly and feel for her hymen." " According to her father, she isn't fond of horses or men for that matter so I would expect her to be intact."
Dagney bore the indignantly of the older women's intrusion. She vowed she would not marry. < If my father wants to send me to a convent, so be it. >
Both Clio and Niall heard the commotion and tried to get into Dagney's chamber. The two aids didn't allow it. After the women and the doctor left, both entered her room. Dagney looked at her betrayers " "Get out, your as bad as him!" she choked. " Darling, please let us explain." Her mother begged. Naill just looked at her guiltily. " Get OUT" she cried.
Naill took Clio's arm. " We'll talk later."
Dagney cried for several hours. She fell asleep and woke up with a plan. < I'll fix them all. >
Naill was weary; it had been a long day. He was heartbroken over the events with Dagney. He truly loved the girl. He went to her father and implored him to not marry the girl off to Dermot. The king had scolded, humiliated, and threatened him. "If you interfere I shall send the chit away to a convent and you shall never see her again."
Naill entered his dark chamber and lit a lamp. He looked up as he heard a small noise. His breath caught in his throat. His cock jumped to life. Dagney was lying upon his bed naked.
" What are you doing?" he hissed unable to make his voice work properly. He couldn't stop his eyes from hungrily drinking in her alabaster skin, her firm, pert breasts and the dark mahogany of her soft curls.
Dagney felt her skin tingle as Naill looked at her; he hadn't met her eyes. She could feel his gaze devouring her. She felt a small shudder in her chest.
Dagney parted her legs, " I want you to love me like my mother." She said breathless.
" Goddess Danu," he swore. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself within this women. His cock was so hard he thought that if he merely touched her skin he would come.
Dagney noted Nail's erection. She smiled, " I know you want to." She said coyly.
Naill turned his back to her and gripped the dresser, his fingers practically gouging the wood.
" Get dressed" he croaked.
Dagney was suddenly embarrassed by her brazen behavior. < Perhaps he doesn't want me after all. > Dagney hastily grabbed her clothes and bolted.
Naill swore and moved to the bed. He could smell her on his bed. He unbuckled his tight pants and stroked himself imagining himself inside her virgin passage making her cry out in pleasure. He shot his seed quickly and he moaned her name.
Dagney felt utterly alone. She refused to see her mother or Naill. She conceded her father this battle but wasn't through with the war yet. She let her maids dress her in fine silk. She was to go downstairs to meet her husband to be and break bread. < I'd like to brake his stinking neck. >
The King was worried that Dagney would make a scene. He was pleasantly suprized with how charming and polite and submissive his daughter was during the feast. Dermot kept looking at his daughter like she was some sort of sweet. The king noted that Dermot's eyes never moved from his daughter's breasts. He felt a small wave of guilt. < It's for the best; perhaps she'll kill the old man. > He smiled. < As long as they consummated the marriage, I as her father would take over control of her estates wresting them away from the other male heirs. >
Dagney simmered in anger, her eyes careful not to meet her father, mother's or Naill. < That damn toad keep staring at my breast. I wonder if he'd have a stroke at the table if I popped one out from my dress. > She smiled evilly.
Her father had prepared a chamber for them. Dermot took her arm practically drooling and escorted her to the chamber.
Once the door was closed her pushed her up against the wall and grabbed viscously at her breasts.
Dagney shoved him backwards. " Now, Now lass, I'm to be yer husband you can relax and enjoy it or fight." " It makes no difference to me," he said pouncing on her again. He dipped his hand under her dress to grab at her nipple and pinched it. Dagney opened her mouth to cry out and she found his tongue in her mouth. She practically gagged at his vile taste and slowly reached down and drew her dagger from her thigh. She brought it up against his face slicing him open from cheekbone to lip.
He stumbled back in shock his face burning. " You shall tell my father you changed your mind or I will start by cutting out your vile tongue and precede to cut you open till I slice off your cock" she said menacingly.
< I'm to old for this shit> he thought to himself.
Dermot came charging back into the banquet hall several minutes after he had just left. The king was still drinking his ale. Dermot had his face covered with a bloody towel. " The wedding contract is off, That wench is a demon." He spat and left.
The king jumped up out of his chair so quickly it hit the floor with a bang. He strode to the chamber bellowing " Dagney" She had bolted the door from the inside. He could hear her sobbing. She ignored his threats. A small part of him was impressed once again by her spirit. < Damn that girl is to be my downfall. I'll have to find a stronger man to break her spirit, and someone willing to get me Dermot's land.
The next morning Liam and Daire arrived at Tara. They met with the king to discuss Cormac proposal. The king had not met Cormac but was familiar with his reputation as a might warrior.
" Lads I think I can propose an acceptable deal for the both of us. " Cormac is still unmarried?" he asked
" Yes," Liam replied.
" My daughter is of marrying age, you know... I want only the most suitable husband for the kind lass... if Cormac will wed her; he shall have the lands adjacent to mine now owned by Dermot.
< She must be ugly as a boar if he wants to be rid of her. > Daire thought.
"We will discuss it with Cormac, and get back to you." Liam replied
" If he consents, the wedding can be held in several months on Samhain." < I will need that long to begin to work on the girl so she doesn't mess this up. > the King thought.
Dagney remained in the chamber pouting, she had refused food and water (although she was starving) and was going to be passive aggressive a while to punish her father. She was however getting bored. She wanted so much to see Naill but she thought he needed to be sorry for a while longer before she forgave him. Dagney was looking out the chamber window and saw two young men she didn't recognize. Her eyes took in a tall thin blond man. Her breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes on the dark muscular graceful man.
Daire stopped.
" What is it?" Liam asked.
" Nothing" he replied. < It felt like someone was watching him. He looked around the courtyard looking for the pair of eyes that burned him. > He looked up and his gaze was drawn to a darkened window. Someone is watching me from there. He stood and stared up with his icy blue eyes.
Dagney drew back from the window. Her chest tightened and she felt a quiver deep inside she had never experienced before. She saw his blue eyes. < He could not see me from this dark window. >
Daire turned his back upon the window, < he felt slightly aroused and hungry>
" Let's go," he said to Liam.
Dagney was dreaming: She was being chased running as fast as she could to escape. She could hear hounds barking calling out to her: going to die, going to die, in tempo with her heartbeat. She felt branches and trees slap against her body. She broke free into a clearing. < Goddess Macha, a dragon with eyes icy blue as water, eyes the same color as the dark haired man. Dagney woke with a start. Her heart was beating so fast. She had a funny feeling in her lower body. She felt tense and wet. < Hera, I've started my monthly again? > Dagney got up to tend to herself. < That's strange, my flow wasn't blood but clear fluid. > Dagney jumped at a knocking at the door. "Go away she barked."
" Open the door or I shall do it myself" Naill called.
" Go away" she replied petulantly
" Dagney it's been three days, open the door, Please." Naill asked softly.
Dagney rose from the bed and opened the door. Naill took in her unkempt appearance and his heart broke. For all the girl's fire and bluster she was only just a wee lass. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. Dagney began to cry. " Oh Naill, it was awful... he... tried to hurt me...he.. tried to bite my tongue and pull off my... she hiccuped.
"I know sweet, shhh." He held her while she cried. He pulled her onto his lap as he sat upon a wingback chair. He had her drink some water. She looked at him with sad eyes, " Is father very mad still?" she asked.
" No, he's... over it" < Time enough to tell her about the new match.>
The red fox smelled of musk and wildflowers. He watched her clean her silky coat. He wanted to lick her with his raspy tongue. She watched him with half lidded emerald eyes.
He groaned and woke up, his member was swollen and he felt tense. <Damn what is wrong with me, that's the third time I've dreamed about a red fox. Maybe it's time I find a woman; else I'll be rubbing up against a tree. >
Liam was stirring the ashes of their campfire.
"We should be home today before supper." He commented.
" Yes,.. Do you think Cormac will contract marriage for the King's daughter?" Daire asked.
" Not sure, he said he wanted land next to the king, I suppose he'll do whatever it takes to get it, he usually does,... don't ever forget that Daire." Liam answered.
Before their journey home the pair had done some exploring and investigating the lands and people in Tara's domain. The men were doing as ordered; collecting information that might prove useful to the Viking Cormac later. The men had stopped in a local Pub and overheard a drunken man they quickly learned was none other than Dermot lament about his disfigurement at the hands of the demon Dagney. Liam ordered him another drink and asked the man his story. Liam empathized with how painful the nasty cut on his face sewn up with black catgut must be.
" Damn right." " Bloody witch" " I know now why the old maid is still a virgin I tell yea." ' Looks like a vision all flaming red hair and jewel eyes." " Nice set of tits too." "I think the damn druid got her under some sort of spell or else she's plain possessed." He rattled on.
" What happened?" Daire asked curious. " Everyone knows here in Tara how strange and wild the girl is. Her father lets her run wild everywhere with the Druid" " I expected the Druid had taken her, but the doctor said no." " He said, the girl balked at the examine so much she had to be tied down." " she didn't want anything tween her legs,"he laughed. Dermot ran his hand carefully down his sew up face. " Guess, that's what I should a done before I touched her." "She acted like no one every kissed her fore" " It was to be our wedding night, I only kissed her and copped a feel of her pert tits and she drew a blade and sliced me to ribbons." " Damn bitch threaten to cut off my cock too." Dermond swallowed his drink. "She would have to.. I told him the marriage was off... now If I were a young man like yea lads I might have a good time trying to tame that demon witch." "I'll tell you, the King will be hard pressed to pawn off that witch." "yes, she looks right sweet, but she's feral."
Daire's thoughts came back to the present. He couldn't help but picture this red haired girl much like the lass Cormac had had raped. Daire swallowed, he had pledged to Cormac. Daire worried about this unknown girl, if she was half as spirited as everyone claimed; Cormac might like the challenge of breaking her.
" Liam, perhaps we should just tell Cormac that the King was unreasonable and wouldn't consider any land." Daire said.
" Lie to him?" Liam's thought also drifted to this unknown girl and his stomach hitched.
" The King gave us a letter outlining his wedding contract." If the King follows up with another correspondence if he doesn't hear from Cormac." Cormac would kill us both for treason if only to set an example." Liam replied.
" Eye, your right." Daire answered.
The King was friendly and loving towards Dagney. He apologized for trying to make her marry a man who clearly was beneath her and was just boorish to boot. Dagney was happy that her father showed her some care and remorse for his actions. She also had come to a peace with her mother. She and Niall continued with her studies. Niall knew he should be the one to tell the girl of her father's latest plan to marry her off to a Viking warlord, but he secretly hoped it wouldn't come to pass and things could continue as before. He wasn't worried about any local men coming forward to claim her since Dermot blabbed about Dagney's behavior to anyone who would listen. < One might think the man would be shamed but no.>
As hard as he tried though he couldn't make things go back to the way they were before Dagney saw him with her mother. Nor could he look at her for more than a few minutes without imagining her naked as she was in his chamber.
" Naill, have you heard a word I've said" Dagney asked annoyed.
" What, Oh..yes.. the spell, repeat the incantation to be used for the cloak of invisibility one more time." He asked.
Dagney did so; She blinked out of his vision.
" Splendid" he cried happily.
Dagney held her hands over Naill's eyes. "Boo." Naill jumped as he had neither seen nor heard Dagney moved behind him. He twirled around and captured her hands in his. He softly caressed several strands of her fiery whips from her face. " That was wonderful".
She gave him such a warm inviting smile. Naill gave into the temptation to kiss her. He lowered his lips to hers and placed a soft kiss. Dagney was startled by his actions. < Maybe he does find me attractive. > Dagney's thoughts suddenly drifted to the dark haired stranger with cold blue eyes. She wondered if his kiss would feel like this. Dagney pulled back from Naill's kiss. < What's the matter with me? > < I've wanted Naill to love me like this and now the first sign of affection he shows me I'm thinking of someone else. >
Naill thought she had responded for a moment but then she pulled away. " I'm sorry Dagney, I should have never done that." Naill said softly moving away.
" Naill, no.. its me.. I'm just a bit frightened as all. I' know the way's of animal mating but after.. well after everything.. there is so much I don't understand or know." Dagney explained.
Naill flushed and felt his erection straining against his too tight slacks. < I want nothing more than to show you the pleasures of love>. " Perhaps you should ask your mother"; he said his voice tight.
< He had to bring her up. >
Cormac talked with Liam and Daire about the Kings proposal. Cormac was very interested and thought marriage could be an even easier way of getting his foothold into Tara. He agreed with the King's request to hold the wedding feast on Oct. 31. Samhain. Cormac was to send some horses and fine silks and lace as part of the wedding offer. Cormac was writing an acceptance letter to the King to accompany the goods. He also was writing a note to his bride to be.
" Aren't you curious about her?" Liam asked
" Who, the lass.. What's her name?" he asked scratching his head.
" Dagney", Daire chimed in.
"I could care if this Dagney is a leper, this is business boys." " A wife is for money, property and status." Cormac lectured. " You lads should get romantic notions about love and affection in a match out of your heads." " A man seeks comfort in the arms of a lover or mistress. " If she is unpleasant I shall only have to copulate with her until she bears me a child."
Daire shuttered at the thought of this man with this woman for some unknown reason.
The King went to Niall to ask his assistance in helping him break the news to Dagney of her upcoming wedding. The king pointed out to Naill, that the Viking was rich and powerful and a good catch. He would likely leave Dagney on his newly acquired lands once she was with child. Thus he reason, Naill could still be with her. He winked at him. Naill wanted to smash the man in the face. How could he prostitute his own daughter?
Even though Naill didn't like this situation, the King had a point, He could still watch out for her if she was close by. Naill agreed.
Dagney appeared to take the news of her Wedding to Cormac the Viking with aplomb. < Now they are both ganging up to rid themselves of me, so be it.. at least I have about two months to formulate a better plan this time. >
The time approaching the wedding feast flew by quickly. Dagney spent a great deal of time being fitted with new gowns and reviewing with her mother expected social protocol as would be expected a women in her position.
" Mother", Dagney asked causally, "Will it hurt much?"
" What, dear?" her mother asked distracted with her stitchery.
" Will it hurt when my husband ... takes me?" she asked.
Her mother blushed; she had never really spoke about the ways of things between a man and a woman. Her mother knew she owed it to her daughter. She needed to prepare her for her wedding night and perhaps if she were lucky she might marry a considerate lover like Naill. If not then in time her daughter might take a lover as she had.
Clio, cleared her throat, " Sit down dear." Clio knew that Dagney understood the way of animals and how women and animals became pregnant. "Well dear it may hurt a bit when your husband takes you." Try and get him to be patient for you until your ready." Her mother said.
"How will I know when I'm ready?" she asked innocently.
" Oh.. well you will be slick at your center" her mother explained. " If that doesn't happen dear.. he should use some ... lubricant." " How long will it take for him to leave his seed?" Dagney asked.
" That depends dear, some men come very fast and others last a long time," she smiled thinking about what a skilled lover Naill was.
" So that's all, he enters me and looses his seed." "How many times must he do this before I become with child.?"
" That also depends" her mother chuckled.
" This copulation seems very messy and inexact." Dagney answered frowning.
" Yes but with the right person you can have great pleasure darling." Her mother smiled.
"Is it like that with you and Naill" Dagney asked softly looking down.
" Yes" she nodded.
" Mother, what was he doing when I interrupted that day?"
"Dagney, men and women can pleasure each other greatly when they use their lips and tongue." Her mother blushed red.
" Pleasure how?" she still didn't understand.
"Dagney when you touch a man's member it gives him great pleasure. That's why it gets hard from pleasure." " Women have a small organ that is hidden between our folds that also can give us great pleasure when touched.
" Oh" she said.
Her mother changed the subject but Clio knew she was going to need to seek out her lover soon as she was wet from excitement in thinking about him.
The wedding feast fast approached. Dagney had received several letters from Cormac. He at least seemed to have a brain in his head. < I however, still won't marry him.>
Both Naill and the King were wary of Dagney's acceptance of her upcoming wedding. Both silently prayed that the girl would go through with it.
Cormac had brought Liam and Daire back to Tara for his wedding feast. The day of the feast Liam was asked to present the bride to be with a special gift. He was granted entrance into her private chamber under the supervision of her tutor Naill.
Liam had never seen a lovelier creature. Her hair was on fire, and her eyes when they looked at you were like music in his veins. Dagney accepted the gift and asked the young man to tea. He excepted and tried hard to make small talk and not embarrass himself in her company.
" Daire, Cormac is such a lucky man" Liam gushed.
" I had tea with her, she is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen." He babbled.
" Eye, like you have occasion to spent time with any fine ladies." Daire teased.
" You'll see, there is something about her.
That night the entire wedding party was waiting at the banquet table for Dagney to be escorted in an introduced to her husband by Niall.
Liam sat to Corm's right and Daire to his left. Dagney was to sit across from Cormac.
Daire was drinking wine when she entered the room.
Dagney's eyes quickly swept over her husband to be. < Ha another old man, if my first plan fails perhaps I shall resort to my last success. > She smiled brightly.
Daire saw her and sucked in a deep breath. The problem was that his mouth was full of wine and he began to choke. Dagney wore her fiery hair upon her head. Little red ringlets caressed her face. Her forest green silk gown was low cut and showed off her long neck and a great amount of her creamy breast. The dress clung to her tiny waist. Daire started to choke violently.
Dagney's eyes had moved from her husband to be and drifted over his aid Liam. She looked at the source of the choking and her heart stopped beating. This was the well-built dark haired man she had seen several months ago. < Hera, he is like a sculpture. > Dagney's knees suddenly felt weak and she felt a strong flame of something she had never experienced before shoot from her breasts to her core.
Naill felt her shudder, " Are you alright Dagney?" he whispered in her ear.
< No, I'm most definitely not all right.>
Are You ready for some excitement in the next part?
Dagney composed herself and tore her eyes away from the handsome blue eyed young man. Dagney smiled, and whispered to Naill, " Fine, Fine."
Cormac was distracted by Daire's choking and moved to tap him on the back. " Are you alright boy?"
Daire managed to catch his breath and flushed an even deeper shade of red due to drawing attention to himself.
Naill stopped in front of the table. " May I present Dagney Boru soon to be Lady Cormac."
Cormac was surprised with how lovely his bride was in spite of her vile red hair. He noted how protective the Druid was of her. Cormac thought the Druid might be useful to him. He had limited personal experience with these holy men, but had been beaten several times in battles where his opponents had magical assistance from Druid's.
The men all stood as dictated by protocol. Dagney's father moved to her side bowed and kissed her hand. Each male guest in turn approached the bride to be, bowed and kissed her hand and addressed her as "Lady"; introduced themselves and respond, " at your service". Liam was awestruck at Dagney's beauty. As he approached her to give the required greeting he wiped his sweaty palm upon his breeches. He bowed nervously, unable to meet her eyes and took her hand gently and placed a small kiss upon her knuckle and managed to croak, "Lady, Liam at your service"
Daire couldn't keep his eyes off her. He watched her respond with apparent indifference to each of the male guests. Her skin was like cream, and her hair was the color of a burning fire. He felt a twinge of jealously as she gave Liam a small smile, the first evidence of any emotion she displayed. Daire berated himself, he realized he was next to rise and greet her and he had a raging erection.
Dagney could feel the blue eyed man gaze burn her skin. < Deep breath, ignore him, you are a Druid. > Dagney sensed his approach, she kept her eyes downcast not wanting to make eye contact with this young man. Daire bowed, " Lady, Daire at your service." He touched her hand, he suddenly felt like he had been run through with a heated blade.
Daney's eyes flew open and she looked into his eyes. < He has some kind of magic power, for I feel warm and tense all over like I'm about to burst into flames. > Dagney quickly pulled her hand out of his grasp before he could kiss her hand.
Daire felt her pull away, and felt like he was loosing his life's breath. He released her hand. < Excuse me for living and breathing you spoiled little witch. > He moved back to his seat, and thus did not witness the interaction between Cormac and her.
Cormac was just behind Daire and acknowledged Dagney, " Lady, Cormac at your service." She composed herself and looked up into Cormac's eyes. He quickly took her hand and raised it to his lips.
He noticed her green eyes and he felt a flush of anger and disgust, he tightened his grip on her hand.
< He's hurting me> She tried to wrench her hand away from him because as soon as she looked into his eyes and he touched her she felt herself shudder in unbridled revulsion. < He has such dark soul.. he hates me.. he's evil.. Oh I think I may vomit..>
He tightened his grip even more as he felt her try and pull away. < No you don't.. I'll teach you some manners.. bitch..> He raised her hand to his lips and opened his lips and bit her knuckles slightly and then quickly released her hand.
Dagney wanted to bolt from the room. < Oh Hera, the spell has to work.. this man is evil.. vile.. dark..> She felt faint; Niall noticed her skin pale and saw her pulse point in her neck beating like a captured bird.
He took her elbow and guided her to her chair.
All the guests had been reseated. Naill sat down next to Dagney. Naill looked at the two men who had upset his student. Naill noted Dagney seemed unsettled and unnerved by the younger man. He had witnessed and been at the receiving end of most of Dagney's mecurical moods but had never seen her as genuinely flustered and as uncertain as she was when the man touched her. He was shocked when she pulled out of his grasp.
Niall was downright disturbed with the ripple of fear he felt come off her when Cormac touched her. Dagney was practically fearless. Naill knew her well enough to know that when she felt even the least bit afraid or disturbed she usually challenged herself by trying to best the person that was causing her distress. Naill had witnessed Dagney's hidden fear on numerous occasions but he had never seen her so shaken, he smell the fear on her like she was a wild thing caught in a trap.
Naill began to worry. None of this bode well. If he knew her the lass had something planned well in advance to wreck this contract? He only hopped she wasn't foolish enough to challenge herself and ignore her fear of this Viking just to prove something to herself or lash out in spite. The more Naill thought about either action she might take the more concerned he was for her safety. Her father will likely thrash her to within an inch of her life and send her away to try and break her. Naill looked at Cormac across the table he had expected to see lust or curiosity in the man's eyes as he perused Dagney. He felt a tremor of fear run through his body. That man looks like he wants to kill her.
Next up chaos and mayhem.
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
Dagney swore silently to herself as she saw the serving girl refilling the wine goblets from the smaller of the two pitchers. <She should have used the largest one first damned imbecile. The largest pitcher contains the enchanted stone upon which the trust spell had been cast. The spell was to put everyone soundly asleep except the person whom was most trustworthy. Dagney had a bag packed and was ready to flee Tara as soon as the spell was decisive. >
Dagney felt Naill's hand grip hers under the table. She expected that Naill was the one who would remain awake. He would be angry at first but once he thought about what she had done and the wrath and embarrassment she will have caused for both her father and Cormac, he would realize he had no choice but to leave with her.
Both Cormac and Daire noted that Dagney and Naill appeared to be holding hands under the table. Daire berated himself for his feeling of jealously, even Cormac himself had made some comment before that his bride was likely bewitched by the Druid. Daire, shook his head, and took another drink of wine as the servants brought out the first course of the meal. Besides, she was to be Cormac's... her red hair and green eyes and..Daire looked at Cormac out of the corner of his eye. He took in his master's slowly seething rage just below the surface. < He doesn't like this situation either... but he wants to punish and hurt her> Daire felt sick to his stomach, how was he supposed to make small talk, eat, not look at the redheaded siren, and not be worried about his master torturing his newlywed. He took a big gulp of wine.
Cormac clutched his fist under the table drawing blood with his fingers. That wench will have to learn who is boss and this type of brazen behavior will not be tolerated. He took a big gulp of wine.
The king managed to do most of the talking as the dinner was served. Dagney had drained two goblets of wine herself, and managed to push food strategically around on her plate to give the illusion that she was eating. She managed to make meaningless small talk. Dagney avoided looking at Cormac in the eye. The two times she couldn't avoid his eyes she felt bile rise into her throat and thought she might heave. She tried to avoid looking at the blue eyed Daire, despite her intent she found her eyes being drawn to him of their own volition. Each time she looked at him she found him staring at her. Dagney felt like she was on a precipice sitting too close to an open fire with the man Daire and balancing away from the cold edge of purgatory with Cormac.
Dagney told herself it wasn't going to be much longer. She saw the servant begin to fill up the wine goblets from the enchanted picture.
" Naill, would you honor me with a toast?" Dagney asked.
"Certainly" he replied. " To Dagney and Cormac may they have a prosperous and healthy union."
The wedding party raised up their goblets and drank.
Within seconds heads dropped silverware and dishes clattered noisily. Dagney felt herself sigh and take in a big cleansing breath. She looked to her left to see Naill, < sound ASLEEP>. < Hera>
Daire saw everyone begin to fall asleep. He saw Cormac drop his head unto his plate with a loud splat as his unconscious form sent food flying.
Daire jumped up, he heard Liam exclaim, " What is happening?"
Dagney looked across the table and saw Daire on his feet and Liam sitting open mouth and in shock his hand still clutching a spoon full of vegetables half way to his mouth.
<Hera, how can both Cormac's men be unaffected by the spell. She saw them drink the wine. Now what? >
Dagney rose slowly, < I shall pick Liam to help me.. He seems such a gentle soul and besides I can wield my influence over him quite easily. >
" Do not be alarmed, they are only asleep for a short period of time. I have cast a sleep spell so that I may escape. I shall not be married to Cormac or any man."
Dagney looked at Liam, " I ask that you run away with me?"
Liam dropped the spoon and it clattered against his plate, " Me he squeaked and flushed scarlet."
" Oh my lady, I am flattered thee has chosen me, but I can not as there is a geis preventing me from taking a women that belongs to my uncle." He replied.
Daire was stunned; the witch had cast a spell on everyone, except himself and Liam seemed immune. The witch asked Liam to run away with her..
< This is just great; the old guys are lining up and the young acceptable men have the nerve to refuse me. > Dagney looked at Daire. She swallowed hard and licked her lips. " I ask that you run away with me?" she managed to whisper not able to look him in the eye.
Daire felt his mouth drop open. < The nerve of the little witch, she asks me now after she picked Liam> "I cannot lady," he replied sarcastically " a geis prevents me from running away with anyone who has chosen my friend Liam as a consort."
Dagney stared at Daire indignantly, < How dare that impudent young man... refuse me.. > " I place a powerful geis of danger, destruction, and dishonor upon you, unless you take me out of this house tonight before Cormac and my father awake." She said haughtily
Daire laughed, "If I run away with you, I shall meet my death and destruction all right, at the hands of Cormac. You are pledged to him."
"I am pledged to no man, you will help me... Please?" Dagney asked her voice softening. < I have to get away from here; Naill will wake up and come after me. >
Daire shook his head, this women was crazy as the man Dermot had said. Daire looked at the sleeping Cormac; he looked back at the beautiful lady seeming to plead with her emerald eyes. He looked back at Liam, and then Cormac.
" He'll not like this turn of events and he will not renege on the marriage contract." Liam spoke aloud" "He won't like the lady besting him at all." Liam swallowed and his complexion-blanched pale as he thought about the kinds of punishment Cormac could inflect on this fair creature.
Daire also thought about Cormac. If he took this women away his career with the Viking would be over. He most likely would be thought of as an enemy and perhaps if caught killed for treason. He weighed this out with thoughts of Cormac punishing the witch. Daire decided quickly
" Very well, I shall help you get away safely, but that is all. I will then leave you to your own devices." He said.
" Fair enough we must hurry, I have packed a bag and a haversack of foodstuffs." Dagney ordered. She looked back at Naill and moved over and placed a soft kiss on his sleeping brow. < until we meet again>
" I thought, you wanted to leave in a hurry?" Daire snapped. < She wants to stop and fawn over her lover>
Dagney gave Daire a scathing glare, " This way, I've left the bags near the stables."
The two moved quickly towards the stables. " Hitch up a wagon" she ordered.
" We, cannot get away in a wagon." He explained briskly. "Cormac will give chase with his fastest horses. We will take two horses and I will turn the other loose to roam. This it will be harder for them to follow as quickly." Daire plotted.
" My horse is one of the fastest and we shall take Liam's horse, it also can move like the wind."
" No, that won't work." Dagney said stamping her foot from nervous anxiety.
" Why not.?" Daire asked.
" Horse do not like me." Dagney replied somewhat ashamed.
" Daire laughed, " Your afraid of horses?" he couldn't quit believe this lass. She would stand up to her father and Cormac's wrath yet was afraid of a horse.
" No, They are afraid of me." She clarified.
" That sounds silly. Daire placed a saddle on his and Liam's horse. He tied on the bags ignoring Dagney comment.
" Here, he waved her over towards him, I'll give you a boost up. Hang on to the reins, once I'm mounted you need only hang on and I'll lead the horse."
Dagney moved toward Daire, she felt lightening bolts of heat shoot through her as he placed his hands about her waist and lifted her onto the horse.
Daire felt skittish himself as he touched her slim waist and lifted her upon the horse. The horse whinnied and appeared frightened as the lass stated. The horse eyes were almost white with fear. Liam had seen horses act like that only when they were frightened or tormented by a wild animal. The horse raised up in his hind legs and attempted to throw off Dagney. She gripped the reins white knuckled and swore cursing Daire, " Dumb bullock," Daire spoke softly to the horse and tried to gently it. It reared again and Dagney flew off, her green dress tore from ankle to upper thigh as it was caught upon the saddlehorn. She eeeped loudly and landed on her ass with a grunt.
Daire quickly moved to her aid. "Are you hurt lady?" he asked worriedly.
Dagney sat up slowly with a groan; she pulled hay out of her hair, which had fallen from its well-styled coiffure to hang wildly about her shoulders. " Just fine no thanks to you!" she complained.
Daire offered her his hand to help her get up. She ignored his hand and rolled onto her knees and raised herself up on shaky legs her ass throbbing.
Daire eyes bugged out of his head as he watched her breasts strain against her tight bodice and threaten to spill out as she moved onto all fours. His eyes drifted as she stood up on shaky legs to a large expanse of creamy white leg and thigh exposed by the tear in her dress.
"What now Mr. Wizard?" she said insulting him her hands on her hips.
Daire's eyes once again feasted on her breasts heaving in anger and exertion. " We will have to take one horse." " My horse will mind me." He replied huskily.
He grabbed the bag and handed her a cloak, " You should put this on, it will be cold as we being riding" Daire was more worried about how he was going to focus if he couldn't cover up the beautiful; witch's attributes. < he chided himself, and recalled what Dermot had said, 'she a pretty thing but dangerous and wild'; besides she's in love with the Druid.>
Dagney placed the cloak about her shoulders and reached up to grab Daire's hand as he leaned down from atop the horse.
He pulled her up and she grazed his lap before coming to settle in from of him. Daire's powerful arms held her tightly as he gripped the reins of the horse and away they ran.
Author's Note: Yes I know this is a short one and a tease at that. I have to go to work but wanted to taunt all those people on summer vacation
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
Dagney's mind was reeling. Things hadn't gone exactly to plan. Here she was racing away from Tara, the first time in her life. She was riding on horseback, another first. She was having a hard time forming coherent thoughts. The blue eyes one, Daire, had his powerful arms around her gripping the horses' reins. It hurt to draw breath because every time she exhaled his forearms rubbed against the side of her breasts making them tingle and tighten. She could feel his breath in her ear and felt his muscled chest against her back like a tall oak tree. The worst part was the way her femininity ached against the horse. She was stretched uncomfortably so, she was sure this was causing the tightening in her center.
Daire cursed himself silently. What was he doing? Cormac will kill me. His stomach rolled. Cormac will do worse than kill this lass. He had witnessed with his own eyes this witch's hex, which felled an entire banquet hall, except for Liam and me. This red haired beauty had totally bewitched Liam, not him.. no..
The witches red hair was assaulting him, the wind had pulled it out of her coiffure and was blinding him as her silky whips of fire lashed his cheeks and lips. He drank in her scent and felt intoxicated. He was glad that his bulky cloak was between them as he felt his manhood rub painfully against his pants and the back of her ass.
He let go of one of the reins and lifted his hands to adjust her hair so that he could see.
"What are you doing?" Dagney asked nervesouly as she felt his hand brush her temple and capture her hair in his hands.
" You hair's blinding me, I can't see a damn thing with it hitting me in the face." He ran his hand from her temple down across her soft cheek and wound her hair about his hand. He pulled it off her left shoulder and across the back of her neck. His hand brushed against the creamy column of her neck. He felt her shudder slightly. He could see her pulse point beating like a wounded bird. He wanted to place his lips against this tiny throbbing point and feel her blood move under him.
Naill was the first to awaken. He saw the other guests begin to stir. < What has the child done? > The king woke and began to wipe food off his face. Cormac stirred and groaned. < I've been poisoned. > He thought he had awoken in his own vomit but as he looked around realized everyone had passed out and many had food and drink staining their faces and clothing. He stood up his chair crashing behind him.
" What trickery is this?" he roared irate.
The King knew Dagney was behind this. His eyes quickly scanned the room. < Where is that petulant child? > Cormac noticed she was gone also, as was Daire. Cormac wiped the residue of food from his face. He rounded the table and grabbed the Druid about the neck. "Where is the little witch?" " What has she done with my aide?"
Naill wondered the same thing himself.
" Here, Here.." the King cried out. " Let's keep out wits about us, < I've got to think of something and stall and get that little sorcerer's ass back here>... call the guards.. Dagney's been kidnapped by his aide" the King pointed at Cormac.
" What?" Cormac roared.
" Daire would never cross me?" he replied.
" I want the Druid to explain what is going on?" Cormac released Naill's throat.
Naill gasped in fresh air. < I'm going to tan her hide> " I don't have any idea what is going on... it seems we've been placed under a sleep spell." Naill rasped.
"Yes and the red-haired witch is responsible." Cormac bellowed.
Cormac caught sight of Liam's clean face. " You, son, tell me what happened... you were unaffected by the spell?"
" Uh.. uhmm. Well... er... I..." he swooned like a women.
Cormac threw water in his face. " Wake up now!" " Liam, what happened?"
" Happened?" " I don't know" he responded innocently. < I only hope they get away because Cormac will kill them both.
" Where's Daire?" Cormac shook Liam.
" I don't know." He replied.
Two guards came in to report that, someone had seen Dagney and a dark haired man ride off on one horse.
Cormac ordered his men outside, "saddle up the horses, get the men. They can't have gotten far on one horse. Beside two on a horse will slow the animal down."
The King blustered, " I want that man who stole my daughter punished for his insolence." "I'll see him hanged, drawn and quartered in the courtyard before sunset tomorrow." " I'll pay a reward for anyone who bring my daughter back."
Clio, glanced worriedly at Naill. < What has she done? > Clio knew her daughter well enough to know she was responsible for this trickery. Her heart went out to the young lad who accompanied her.
Cormac and his men mounted and rode off. The king sent his men out in pursuit also. Naill took Clio's hand. " I hope she know what she is doing." He sighed.
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
Dagney felt even more tense as Daire touched her face and hair. < Oh I swear I can fell his hot breath on my neck> She dug her fingers into the horse's mane unconsciously.
The horse already skittish from having a wild creature riding with its master reared up to try and dislodge this animal.
Daire was lowering his lips to kiss the throbbing pulse point on the witch's neck when he felt her neck and shoulder slam back into his face. The horse reared and whinnied in terror. He was surprised and he started to fall off the horse, as Dagney was caught in his embrace she flew off the horse too. He landed hard and Dagney practically landed on top of him on her side.
"Ouch!" The witch's elbow cracked against his ribs and he had also hit his head as he fell. She quickly rolled off him and stood then began to swear at him, " Hera, what is the matter with you?" " You're in the Viking's army and you can't manage to stay on a horse?" She waved her hand at the retreating horse. " This is unbelievable, why did I get stuck with you."
Daire slowly got up, brushing himself off, " I'm fine thank you for asking" " Listen little witch you are not stuck with me, it is I who was foolish enough to try an help an ungrateful snob like you." He retorted angrily.
" How dare you talk to me that way, have you no respect?" She responded indignantly her hands on her hips. The dark cape she wore gaped displaying her breasts clad in green silk and an overabundance of naked thigh.
Daire raised his eyes from her enticing form and snapped back in response to her rudeness. "Have you no respect?" he echoed. "You may talk to your servants like that but not me... I'm not in your employ...Cormac should thank me that I saved him from the likes of being married to a wench like you." He spat his blue eyes narrowed.
Dagney slapped him across one of his chiseled cheeks. Daire caught the offending wrist in his hand and jerked her forward. Their bodies crashed into one another. Dagney had hit him without thinking; he had such a way of making her feel all mixed up and confused. She hated that, she liked to plot and plan and control the situation. He grabbed her and pulled her roughly towards him. Her breasts smacked into his hard chest and she felt the funny wetness between her legs again.
Daire's cheek flamed and his hand on her wrist was radiating fire up into his chest to match that, which burned because of her heaving breasts pressed firmly against his chest.. He was rock hard and very frustrated with the whole situation. His body was on sensory overload but this witch was a spoiled shrew.
" Don't ever hit me again or..." he threatened < he wanted to kiss that snotty sneer off her face. >
"Or what" she sneered. < Why can't I think, Goddess my legs feel like their going to give way. > Dagney tried to liberate her hand from his grip but her pulling only brought his hand in contact with her aching breast.
"Don't toy with me, you'll be sorry witch" He growled < I can feel her nipple though the material of her gown. >
"Lay one hand on me and I'll cut yer heart out while its still beating she threatened!" < Please her body screamed>
" I heard from your first husband to be your prowess with a knife... but I'm not an old man." He stared intro her flashing green eyes. His heart raced in his chest as he envisioned her lithe, naked body beneath his. His prominent arousal rubbed against her nude thigh as he struggled to get loose from his grip.
< Goddess, was that his member against my leg, no.. it was too hard and thick.... Stop this... imagining... he is insolent ...he's probably small like a cat. >
Dagney succeeded in pulling away from him, almost falling backward because of her shaky legs. " You little whelp, I'll turn you into a... a... scaly slimy lizard" she hissed.
< He sucked much need air into his lungs, he let go of her wrist when his cock rubbed against her thigh. I want her... not mine.. make her mine.. the druid..>
"What, I'm shaking... Red... do you think you can manage it without your Druid consort?" he taunted.
The latent sexual tension, emotional stress, and anger Dagney felt suddenly coalesced into a sharp pain at the mention of Naill.
Dagney was missing him, she was angry that he wasn't with her, that he didn't want her.. that he probably was glad she was gone.. She didn't understand why he wasn't the one unaffected by the spell.. the one she had always trusted.... Dagney felt tears well up in her eyes. < I'm just a pawn in a game for territory.. Naill doesn't want me... I'm stuck with this stupid swine... he hates me too.. She tried to push the hurt and pain down and lashed out in anger.
"Naill's too busy with his head stuck between my mothers legs to waste his time on me... I mean you."
" What?" Daire asked in shock < Did she just say.. head between her legs... he visualized himself between her legs. Were her womanly curls the same color as her fiery hair? Would her nether hair burn him like the wisps of fire on her head? >
< Did I just blurt that out loud? > <What must Daire think of me swearing, ungrateful, little witch? > Dagney's faced burned in shame and she turned and began to run. < I have to get away; I can't let him see me cry.. see me weak.. he'll use it against me...>
He stood there like a statue, a rock hard marble statue. His eyes blinked and he swallowed hard. He snapped out of his erotic reverie as he saw Dagney bolt like a chased animal. He had this sudden vision from one of his recent dreams of her as a tiny fox running for her life.. being chased to her death.
<No.. No..> he took off after her.
Author's Note: Yes I know this is so short and once again but I've got a little action planned for the next part stay tuned
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
Naill had watched the Kings men and the Viking's men mount a search party for Dagney and Daire.
Naill gathered the necessary ingredients to cast a spell of location. He was going to go after the silly girl. He knew that if the Viking Cormac caught up with her he would enjoy punishing her for her impulsiveness. Naill felt this man's evil, he worried that not only would this man likely break her spirit but kill Dagney as well. The lad if the Kings men caught him would drag him back and kill him. The King needed to make an excuse for Dagney's actions. < I only hope the girl remains a virgin for if she lays with this man to spite me or her father then likely no one can save either one of them.
Naill gathered hair from Dagney's brush. He gathered a soft silk chemise of hers. He made a magic circle lit four candles and chanted to Danu. He stood upon one foot and reached out with one arm and closed one eye.
"Goddess Danu, assist me in finding Dagney, special child of the Tuatha De Danaan. Let my heart lead the way and find her before the brake of day."
Naill mounted a horse and headed off towards the north. He felt his heart beat slow down whenever he strayed off the course that would lead him to her.
Dagney ran as fast as her legs would carry her. She was going to outrun the pain and confusion; she was going to outrun the feelings of betrayal. Her heart pounded in her chest, her blood pulsed through her body, and she felt free and uninhibited and alive.
" Dagney, wait, come back... you'll fall and hurt yourself in the dark." Daire shouted as he ran after her. < She's running like a wild creature, I'm having a difficult time in catching her. Why isn't she stopping.? Can't she hear me? >
Daire ran faster he was thundering through the brush and started to stumble on a tree root but managed to right himself. He saw her lithe form like a shadow moving farther away in the dark. He saved his breath instead of shouting and ran faster. She was within an arm's length of him. He launched himself forward and caught her waist and sent them both sprawling onto the hard ground a jumble of arms and legs.
He ended up on top of her pinning her to the cold ground. Her eyes focused on his, like she was coming out of a deep sleep. She yelled, " get off you swine" and proceeded to squirm and push at him with her body. Daire's ardor had lessened during the chase but was quickly reasserting itself as this woman moved beneath him. The cloak she wore was gapping open thus he was pressed firmly against her thin silk dress. She stopped struggling when she noted his erection pressing into her midsection, and her eyes widened even more.
She opened her mouth to say something but couldn't form the words. Daire's chest heaved from his exertions and met her heaving breasts, causing a charge of electricity energy to shoot back and forth between them; much like a lightening bolt unleashed from a stormcloud when it meets the ground. . Daire lowered his head to capture her parted lips, to feel her energy.
Neither Dagney nor Daire heard the horse approaching, " Dagney" Naill called out. < She's very close and her heart is beating like a wounded bird. >
Dagney, heard Naill's voice and she yelled to him, " Here, oh Naill" she cried. Daire rolled off her like he had been stabbed in the heart. < Damn witch and druid>
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
"Naill, Oh Naill, Dagney yelled, scrambling to her feet. She ran at him fill tilt. His horse caught her scent and started to whinny in fear. Naill moved the horse back and called to her, "Dagney not too close, your scaring Zeus." He warned.
Daire had risen also, and watched as Naill dismounted. Dagney threw herself into his arms, crying, " I knew you come for me!" " I knew It !" she hugged him.
< Aren't I the biggest ass, damn witch? > Daire shook his head.
Naill grabbed Dagney's shoulders and shook her violently, " You've no idea what you have done with your nonsense" he growled.
Dagney eyes widened in shock, < Naill had never treated her like this, and she had seen him angry but never likes this. > " You're hurting me" she choked out.
Daire moved forward but stopped as Naill released her.
" Hurting you, I could bloody well tan your hide." " Your father and the Viking Cormac both have men out looking for the two of you." Naill looked up acknowledging Daire for the first time.
" I don't care" Dagney replied hurt that Naill wasn't happy to see her but was treating her like a recalcitrant child.
" I told you I won't marry, I told my father, no one took me seriously so.."
Naill interrupted, " so you drugged everyone, and dragged off this poor boy."
Daire cleared his throat he was about to speak up.
" I'm my own person, and I'll not be with that bloody Viking.... He's... evil.. I can feel it.." she responded.
Daire listened, < How does she know?>
"Yes he is, and he's angry that you made a fool of him." " He'll not stop looking for you till he finds you and then he wants to punish you." Naill added.
< They both know Cormac's intentions> Daire was puzzled.
Dagney, shuddered, " He wants to see me broken."
"Yes," Naill replied and your father is trying to safe face blaming that boy for kidnapping you.
" Him" Dagney laughed, "have the balls to kidnap me" she giggled. "I had to threaten him and place a gise before he would help me."
Daire flushed angrly and once again was about to interrupt.
"It's not funny, Dagney, if your father's men catch him... he'll be made an example of."
Dagney stopped laughing, < I don't want to see him hurt. > "No he shall not.... He's...my consort," she said boldly.
Daire was just about to speak when he lost his voice.
" What?" "You have not taken him as your lover?" Naill asked incredulously.
" Yes, I have..you had your chance," she snapped, " Tell my mother I said goodbye."
Naill grabbed her arm, " Just a minute, .."
Dagney pulled out of his grasp. " As my consort and our union being consummated; as heir to Tara, any child I carry is an heir of my father's. My consort is under royal protection." "Let my father's army chase the Viking out of our Kingdom." She replied flippantly.
Dagney left Naill standing with his mouth ajar.
Daire stood in shock, he felt like a horse had just trampled him. < That bloody lying witch. > Dagney moved to Daire and put her arm about him and leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. She whispered in his ear, " If you contradict me, I'll tell them you raped me, you'll be killed."
"Naill, tell my father I've taken a consort and he's to get rid of the Viking and I might come home." She smiled sweetly
" What have you to say, man?" Naill asked red faced.
" I... um... " Dagney pinched his ass hard.
He gripped her waist, and felt himself once again respond to her proximity and touch. " I'd rather be damned as a lover than as a fighter." He replied.
"Naill, can you help me with some magic to evade the search parties?" she asked.
" Yes, but you've both put yourself on a dangerous path. Dagney your father may not care you've chosen this man. He may decide to have him killed with or without any heir. He'd then be free to give you to the Viking if he still wanted you. Cormac could kill him and claim you as his; as promised, he'll only wait to see if you are with child; and there are ways to take a child..." You both are in grave danger." "You can not stay in the same place for more than one night."
Dagney and Daire gripped one another's waists possessively as they listened to Naill speak.
" I can help you with a spell to enhance your powers to use earth's gifts to create shelter and offer protection.
" Yes, please" Dagney implored as she moved out of Daire's embrace.
Daire watched as the Druid pulled out white lime from his haversack. He watched Dagney make a magic circle. They each lit a candle and stood in the circle. They chanted: " Goddess of earth, hear our plea Allow your daughter Dagney Covenant with your gifts Of water, fire, stone and air"
Daire watched as Dagney and Naill cut their wrist and commingled their blood and let it drip unto the earth.
"We give you our promise of blood, Protect Dagney and Daire and she Shall slide back to feed you Goddess."
Daire felt a slight tremor in the ground and saw a white aura leap from Naill to Dagney.
" I need to return, before I am missed" Naill said.
" Please tell my father what I've said." Dagney asked.
" I will" Naill replied giving her a hug and kissing her cheek.
Naill looked at Daire, You are her chosen one, by the Goddess Danu, and I now am also your servant. Naill bowed and then mounted his horse.
Dagney and Daire both stared after him.
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
" So we'd best find some shelter for the night." Dagney said.
" No, first lets talk about what little game your playing,"Daire exclaimed exasperated.
Dagney blinked her emerald eyes innocently," What do you mean?"
"What do I mean?" he exploded.
" My head is spinning in trying to keep up with your trickery and deceit." Daire glowered, his blue eyes shooting sparks into the dark.
"First, it Liam, run away with me, when he wisely refused you; I became your next dupe. You threatened to hex me. You apparently are in love with your mentor Naill, and if I understand correctly he's involved with your mother. So you tell him, I'm your consort, to try and make him jealous... soldiers from your father's and Cormac's army are chasing me down like a rabid animal... and if I'm to stop being your puppet you'll tell them I RAPED YOU." He snapped. " No wonder your father is trying to get rid of you."
Dagney listened to his ire and felt sorry for getting him mixed up in this mess. < I only told them you were my consort so they wouldn't kill you if they caught us..> She was feeling remorse until he cut her to the quick with the remark about her father wanting to rid himself of her.
"You stupid Bull," she spat. "I was only tying to keep you safe, I felt somewhat grateful for your helping me in escaping." " I am NOT IN LOVE WITH NAILL," she said flouncing away from his angry countenance; and furthermore I wouldn't pick you as my consort if you were the last man on earth.
Dagney grumbled under her breath as she walked away into the dark. " I don't need any man's help... why I even thought.... I hate that .... brooding... goat herder... so what...," Her tirade was interrupted by three soldiers on horseback. "
"Lookie what we have here, if its not Cormac's bride... in the flesh." He laughed and dismounted followed by his two comrades.
" Look, you best leave me alone or else I'll...." Dagney threatened, but began to back away and was about to turn and run, when the largest man grabbed her by the arm.
" Let me go!" she yelled and slapped him.
The two other men laughed, " Darling, I so like a spirited lass and since I've found yeah, I'll be collecting the finder's fee."
" You better let me loose, Cormac won't like you manhandling me." She blustered.
All three men laughed, the shortest boasted; "Cormac said the first group to catch you could fuck you silly for a week for we had to bring you back."
Dagney felt sick, < I've got to get away. >
Daire watched the situation trying to devise a plan to get the little witch away from the three bastards without getting her raped and him killed.
Dagney sighed and moved closer into her captor's arms. " Well then lets make the best of the situation shall we?" she purred. " One at a time and a little privacy...?" she smiled up at the solider.
" He grinned evilly, Jon, Erik a little privacy for the lady eh."
Dagney heard one of the two retreating soldiers comment, " don't worry O'Leary don't take long at all."
Daire was dumbstruck, what game is she playing now?
The soldier holding her captive put his other hand upon her shoulder and leaned down to capture her lips. Dagney turned her head and offered her neck < I'll vomit if he touches my lips..> he growled and nuzzled her neck and grabbed her ass and picked her up. Dagney used his distraction to reach farther up the slit in her dress and grab her knife. She unsheathed it and stuck the bastard in the gut.
He howled in pain; and released her.
Daire moved forward he knew the other two soldiers would be back before she could escape.
He knew he would have to unarm the soliders and then steal one of their horses if they to get away.
Dagney saw Daire come at her from the dark and she waved her bloody knife, " I'll gut yea bastard!"
"It me, Daire, I've come to help you. Try and stay behind me." He no sooner finished these works when the other two soldiers came running out of the dark, blades drawn.
Daire turned his own blade glinting in the crescent moon. Dagney stood abreast of him waving her knife like a fury.
One soldier feigned a thrust at Daire and he parried the actual blow. Daire managed to slice the soldier's forearm. The solider swore, " ye'll pay for that you traitorous whelp.. you just want the little bitch all for yourself." He panted and thrust again.
The second solider ignored Dagney and attempted to move behind Daire. She lunged forward to try and cut him, and keep him from surrounding Daire.
The solider laughed and slapped her hard, causing her to fall in a heap.
Dagney scrambled quickly to her feet to see Daire holding his own against the one solider but the second was almost upon him.
Dagney raced forward and propelled her lithe body at the solider flanking Daire. Daire had managed to strike a disabling blow to the solider attacking his front, but as he turned to block the blow from the second solider; he was caught by his blade and Daire felt it rip into his shoulder and chest. He saw a blur of motion and saw the solider go down hard and saw a mass of red-hair cursing and stabbing at the downed man. " How dare you ... dung eating little shit... you puss filled pox... hurt him.!"
Daire moved toward her, and called out to her, " Dagney, he's down, and most likely dead... step away now."
She dropped her knife and looked at her bloody hands and arms. " Oh Hera, Oh Goddess, she lurched back of the man and heaved.
" Tis all right" Daire said trying to push her hair back away from her face.
Dagney caught her breath and wiped her face on her sleeve and whimpered as she felt warm blood smear upon her face." Oh no.. ewe.. !" she shrieked and she fainted dead away.
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
" Dagney, come, we must leave, now!" Daire's words managed to seep into her brain. She stirred and found herself looking into his pain filled countenance. She sat up so quickly she bumped her head against his. "Owe" he moaned
"I'm sorry, Daire" she murmured. " Oh Hera, how bad is your wound?"
"I'll live, but I need your help in getting us out of here. There are likely more soldiers lurking about. I can call one of the horses and mount but I don't know if I can hang onto the reins very well with my injury."
"Let me look, at it?" Dagney offered.
Dagney, gently pulled at the torn, blood soaked cloth covering the wound. Dare hissed, and staggered unsteadily on his feet.
" 'Tis deep and long... I need to stop the bleeding for now till I can tend it proper." She announced. " Sit," she directed before you fall. She looked about the three fallen men and saw a water bladder. She squirted the water out onto the ground and manipulated the rich earth to make a muddy assemblage. She then took the cool mud and gently applied it to Daire's oozing wound. He clenched his jaws together so as not to cry out. " I'm so sorry" she whispered gently, "so sorry".
Daire thought he might pass out from the pain. < No you must stay awake! >.
"Daire, call the horse, and mount and then I can get us to a safe place and tend to you proper." Dagney stated.
Dagney helped Daire rise unsteadily to his feet, < Hera, he lost a lot of blood>
Daire managed to call a horse and barely was able to pull himself upon the horse. Daire reached down to her with his uninjured arm. Dagney took his hand and swung up onto the horse to sit behind him. She reached about his waist and took the reins.
" 'Tis all right, lean back into me, so I'll be able to see over your shoulder." Daire sighed, as he relaxed and leaned back against Dagney's lithe frame.
She tightened her arms about his waist and looked over his uninjured shoulder. Daire rested his head back upon her chest, his hair tickling her cheeks. Her forearms rested upon his muscular thighs. The reins pulled sharply at her wrist, as she led the horse across the dark moor. ~~~~ Daire awoke and felt a sharp searing in his shoulder and shoot down his arm. He saw Dagney tresses back lit by a fire. " Where are we?" he gasped out. " I found an old broken down cottage, the roofs half gone, as is one of the side walls, but we've a fire place as yea can see and a fresh water stream." She replied as she removed his shirt.
"I've made some willow bark tea, I want you to drink some and then I've got to clean and dress this wound proper." She commanded.
She helped him lift his head, " Ugh" he sputtered, "that's awful."
" You'll drink it all" she cajoled.
"Witch" he managed to grumble before she shoved the bitter potion into his mouth.
Dagney turned away and moved toward the light of the fire. Daire felt the scratching of hay and the smell of moldy wool underneath him. Dagney came closer to him, her face pale in the firelight. "This is going to hurt I'm afraid." She said softly. " Don't be afraid if you need to cry out." She said. < I'll be damned if; I let the little witch reduce me to...> "Awaaaa..." he yelled as he felt liquid fire being poured unto his open wound and he promptly passed out from the pain.
Tears leaked from Dagney's eyes, < I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. > Dagney finished cleaning the wound, and packed leaves soaked with willow bark tea against the wound. She bound it tightly using the cleanest strips that she could find from her petticoat. She brushed Daire's hair from his sweaty brow. < I'm so sorry I got you mixed up in this? Once you're better, I'll leave you and...you'll be safe.> Dagney was bloody, and exhausted. her clothes were torn and soiled. She decided to take advantage of the darkness and fire and she went to the river stripped and cleaned quickly in the cold water. She rinsed her gown and then slipped back into her camisole and panties. She was freezing and she ran back to the cottage. She hung out her dress by the fire. < Great now what am I going to wear, I'm freezing and I've given the cloak back to cover Daire? > She moved closer and he was still sleeping. Well maybe I can just take a quick nap and get up before he wakes. She lifted the cloak and snuggled up to his uninjured side. < Goddess, he so warm and his body is so hard and ..> She moved her hands across his bare chest, her fingers stroked his chest languidly like she was petting a cat. Her fingers brushed across one of his nipples and it tightened and protruded under her fingers. Dagney felt the strange wetness between her legs once again. <Naill never made me feel so tense and warm like this. > Dagney nestled even closer to the sleeping man who's actions puzzled her and whose body stirred a strange desire and feel asleep.
"Life has no friend; her converts late or soon Slide back to feed the dragon with the moon."
Daire was dreaming of the red fox again. He saw her running away from him; he raced after her, unable to catch up with her. He called her name 'Dagney', over and over but she ran farther and faster. Daire saw something chasing her... men on horseback.. hounds... he ran faster, fear spurring him faster. He ran into a lush clearing the sound of water roaring in his ears. He saw her broken, bleeding body upon the riverbank. He cried out her name and awoke from the dream with a start.
He was aware of her body immediately. She was curled up against him, her cool hands atop his chest resting over his heart, just below the knife wound. Her head rested on the opposite side of his chest. Her red tresses tickled his cheek. He knew she was undressed because he could feel a considerable amount of her silky skin against his bare chest. His already feverish body increased in temperature even more. He felt her breasts pressed against his chest and side. His right hand was trapped between their bodies. The back of his hands and fingers brushed against her upper thigh.
She stirred in her sleep and shifted her legs and head, burrowing further into him. Daire felt his member begin to stir also. < Think about something else... he flashed back to her fighting bravely by his side... he envision her chanting and spilling her blood upon the damp earth.. he saw her falling from the top of the raging waterfalls; her body broken and bloody at the bottom of the falls.> He gasped at the vision and heard her voice 'lie down to feed the dragon's with the moon'. He reached out with his right arm and pulled her closer into an embrace as if to pull her back from the abyss. His sudden movements awoke her. She shifted her head and looked into his cerulean orbs. She felt his fevered body, his left hand was gripping her about the waist and his right arm pinned her up against him.
" Daire,.." she whispered. "Did you have a bad dream?" she asked her voice still velvety from sleep.
" I... yes.. it was a dream." He replied, his eyes drinking in her vibrant emerald eyes.
" You've got a fever, I can feel it.." she said her voice shaky, she tried to sit up and move away from his burning body and eyes. His eyes flashed and darkened and his hands tightened on her waist and back.
He lowered his mouth onto her open lips, about to demand her release. His lips touched hers and Dagney felt that she was the one with the fever. <Hera, I'm melting from the inside out! > Dagney's, hands splayed across his chest, she needed to crawl into him; she tried to bring herself closer into his heat. His tongue probed her open mouth.
He savored her essence, warm berries and cinnamon, and something more.. fiery and feral. She was intoxicating, he felt his chest pound and his flesh burned.
Her fingers grazed against his nipples when he touched her tongue with his. They moaned as one. Dagney was inflamed she needed this... wanted this.. she would die for this man.. he was hers now and forever.
<She is mine..not Cormac's, Naill's or anyone's .. she belongs with me...> He rolled her body on top of his never breaking contact with their lips. Her hands moved up to cup his head her fingers, she pulled at his hair. He moved his hands over her supple back, he felt her feminine buds brand his naked chest.
He lowered his hands to her bottom and cupped her cheeks intimately causing her pelvis to rub against his hard erection.
She gasped and moved her head back to look in his eyes, now almost black with desire.
"Oh Daire," she whispered, "I.. want.. want you.." she stammered huskily.
"Dagney, I want you more! Can you not tell?" he asked smiling devilishly.
"Mmmm," she shook her head and he watched her fiery mane spark in the semi-darkness. Her usual alabaster complexion was flushed, her lips swollen from his kisses, and he could smell her womanly perfume, a hint of fruit and musk.
"He moved his mouth closer to her jaw and used his tongue to lick and nip at her chin. She squirmed and moaned in pleasure grinding her hips into his.
Her licked her chin and neck with his tongue; Dagney felt like she was a pool of water being evaporated by the sun's rays. He nibbled her collarbone with his teeth, and squeezed her bottom between his hands. Dagney wanted him.. wanted to be consumed by him. She rocked her hips up and down back and forth against his pelvis in some immemorial rhythm. He moved his lips to the top of her flushed breasts, heaving against their cotton prison. He used his teeth to tug her camisole lower to free her breast to his fervid ministrations. She arched upward bringing her freed breast in contact with his heated lips. He ran his tongue over the rosy bud. Dagney moaned deep in her throat and pulled sharply on his hair, she, slid her semi-clad body, forwards and upwards lifting herself upon her forearms giving him greater access to her breasts. She growled deeper as the sensations from his mouth and his throbbing cock straining against her mound made her see shooting stars behind her eyes.
Daire feeling her wetness upon his cock and her passionate response to his lovemaking, aroused him even more. He sucked and nibbled at her erect nipple, she cried out as if in great pain. He needed to possess her now. He pulled his lips away from her breast.
" I.. I. off.." he panted breathlesly.
< No, I don't want to stop... Dagney.. the man is sick with fever and you want to mate with him..what is the matter with you?>
She rolled off him and emitted a frustrated sigh. < I hate this man, he's worse than Naill.> She moved away from him and stepped on the cold floor.
Daire watched her stand up and admired her backside through the thin cotton garment; he began to unfasten his pants, and lifted his hips to slide them off.
"Dagney, where are you going?" he managed a strangled gasp, as he saw her moving towards the outdoors.
She turned to give him a venomous glare, and her eyes saw him naked, lying upon the pallet, the firelight outlining a silhouette of his erect cock. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him.
She opened her mouth to speak, but succeeded in only moving her jaws and making inarticulate sounds. " You belong to me!" he rasped and swung his leg off the pallet and placed them upon the floor.
Dagney raced back towards him, not, only knowing that if she weren't coupled with him she would cease to exist. She hugged him, his cheeks brushing against her sensitive breast. She ran her hands down his sinewy back. He rubbed his cheeks across her breasts; he suckled and pinched both her breasts with his tongue, lips and teeth. He caressed her ass, with his rough hands. He moved his hands to the waistband of her pantaloons and drew them down over her slender hips. He lowered his head and kissed her bared stomach. Dagney only gasped and whined wantonly. He moved his hands behind her knees and pulled her forward. Her knees straddled his waist; her hands caressed his sweat-slicked chest.
" 'Tis time your mine." He rasped. Daire moved his hand to womanly folds and gently ran his forefinger along her slit. She hissed and arched onto his hand.
Daire grasped his weeping member and guided himself to her core.
" Look at me!" he demanded.
Dagney opened her passion-closed lids. She stared into his eyes and he pulled her onto his shaft. Daire cried out, " Ahaaa" as her tight passage enveloped his cock. She cried out in shock, and she felt suddenly felt whole. He laid his torso back upon the pallet and gripped her hips with his hands. He whispered huskily at Dagney, " Your Mine".
"Yes," she replied. He moved one hand from her hip up to caress her cheek, traced a trail done her neck, across the valley between her breasts, lower still to her stomach, until he felt her silken curls. He felt her walls clench every so slightly around him. He was awed by the wonder of her fiery hair, pale skin and supple body. He brazenly stared at the junction of their bodies where his met hers. Darkness and light, hard and soft, together as one.
Dagney's core became used to his size and girth. His hand caressed her body and his gaze caused her to pant shamelessly. She cried out in pleasure when his fingers caressed her sensitive nubbin. She gripped his waist and ground her self-closer to his hand and pelvis. He thrust up to meet her stroke. They began a primal rhythm of coming together and pulling apart. They came together, one soul both howling as their orgasms reunited them in body.
Dagney felt the heat of the midday sun burning her back and legs. As she slowly awoke two thoughts entered her consciousness. First, she recalled her coupling with Daire and felt an immediate pleasant tingling and liquid fire between her legs. The second conscious thought was that the sun was not up yet. The burning warmth was coming from Daire. His body cocooned her. She felt a hairy leg between her thighs and one of his hands cupped her breast intimately, the other was tangled in her hair. She sat up quickly disentangling herself from his embrace. She turned and gazed at his flushed face; he was burning up. She realized that his wound must have become infected. Dagney felt a wave of guilt. I should have been tending to his wounds instead of mating with him. She then felt a wave of fear, she knew from her druid studies that Daire could die from an infection. She hastily put on her underclothing. < The willow bark tea hadn't kept the fever away. > She removed the binding on the knife wound. The skin was still ragged, puckered and the flesh was oozing red and inflamed. Daire moaned and whispered incoherently about a running red fox. Dagney decided to try a poultice to pull the evil spirits out of the wound.
"Daire, I'm going to help you... please stay with me." She crooned softly as she caressed his fevered brow.
Daire opened his eyes. His blue orbs looked through Dagney. She leaned closer and caressed his flushed face. "Daire, stay with me... don't follow the spirits... please stay with me.." she pleaded. Daire's eyes focused on her green ones. "Dagney, " he croaked. " Shhhh" she whispered, I shall make you feel better. She leaned down and placed a butterfly kiss upon his scorching lips. He closed his eyes once more.
Dagney knew she would need to gather some items before she could cast the spell to ward off the spirits. She moved toward the cottage opening; it was near sunup, the horizon was changing to a lighter gray. Dagney raced to the small stream. She waded into the stream, and used her feet to feel for a smooth stone. She felt a suitable stone, and plunged her arms into the ice cold water to retrieve it. The stone was a black and white lace agate; it was worn smooth by the rushing water. The black and white stone was perfect. It had a grove in the center of the stone. Dagney moved to the creek bed and scooped up a handful of mud. She then hurried towards an outcropping of trees. She looked in the gray twilight for a toadstool and lichens. She was practically frantic as it took her a long time before she found these items.
She ran back towards the cottage to check on Daire. He was still sweating profusely. She grabbed an old container and raced for cold water. She tore more strips from her already ruined gown and bathed his face. She dipped the rag into the water and wrung it out across his broad chest. His body shuddered slightly under the rivulets of water. She used the rag to caress his lean chest with the soothing water. She marveled at his well-defined muscles and how his nipples, puckered under her ministrations. She ran the rag lower over his taut abdominal muscles. Once again she felt his body shiver slightly. Dagney felt as if lightning was about to strike nearby. Her breasts and core hummed with tension.
Dagney closed her eyes and shook her head. <He's ill and I'm like some vulture devouring him with my eyes. > She doused the cloth again with the cold water and lowered the cloak to bath Daire's legs. Her eyes widened at Daire's thick member hidden in a nest of dark curls. She knew it had been larger before. She ran the cold cloth along the cleft in his right leg; the area where his hip and leg joined. She swirled the rag closer to his groin. Her hands felt his curls tickle the back of her wrist. She moved the damp cloth around his curls. Her eyes widened in surprise as she noted his member had grown. It was now raising itself up away from its hiding place. Dagney unconsciously licked her lips. She guiltily raised her eyes and noted his were still closed. < Why does he grow? > Dagney dropped the rag her curiosity getting the better of her. She gently touched Daire's member at its base. It was suprizingly soft. She noted that the girth also appeared to be changing. She curled her small fingers about his member to take in his girth. Her thumb felt a throbbing on his shaft's underside. She lowered her head and took a closer look. Her hair brushed his shaft and she felt it spring upwards in her hand. She inhaled, She ran her enclosed hand up and down his base and was rewarded by its continuing to grow. Her head shot up as she heard Daire moan.
She was caught as his blue eyes bore into hers. " I'm sorry.." she stuttered and flushed redder than her hair, and released his shaft.
" No.. please..." he rasped. Daire's hands were clutching handfuls of hay.
" I was trying to make you feel better..." Dagney squeaked.
" Oh.. I was feeling all right...finish?" he whispered.
Dagney swallowed hard uncertain of what Daire wanted her to do. < Is he asking me to touch him again? > She looked into his eyes and felt heat from his gaze warm her entire body. Dagney was aware that her own sex was wet and she felt an urge to use the cool cloth upon herself.
She tentatively moved her hand towards his engorged shaft, and brushed her fingertips across his mushroomed tipped end. " Yes." Daire groaned... "Dagney". Her fingers felt the wetness oozing slowly from his shaft. She once again leaned forward her hair brushing against his thigh and gazed at this little eye. She blew softly on his shaft. " Sweet Goddess!" Daire rasped. Dagney wrapped her fingers about his base once more. Daire " hummed" softly and let out his breath. She placed a soft kiss upon his tip. She could feel his member quiver under her lips, and he tasted of the salty, earth and water. Dagney felt the underside of his shaft pulse; she lowered her head and used her tongue to taste this pulsing vein. Dagney felt like a Goddess, she was aware of her power over Daire. She knew his shaft contained the secret elixir of life, yet she controlled it in her hands.
She knew her sex had taken Daire's seed when they mated. She wanted to taste his seed in her mouth. She wanted to drink life's elixir. She kissed and licked his shaft. He moaned and writhed beneath her ministrations. Dagney felt Daire's soft sacs contract and she took his head into her mouth and sucked upon it. She felt the warm elixir flood her mouth with a powerful force. She sucked and swallowed until his member shrunk once again. She looked up to meet his eyes and gave him a slight smile. He sighed and closed his eyes. Dagney picked up the cloth and continued to wipe Daire's body. She ground and mixed the mud, mushrooms and lichens into a paste. Dagney uttered the sacred words of the spell pledging to give her lives blood and her body's strength to tempt the spirit. She used her knife to cut her wrist and let her blood mingle with the paste. She applied the mixture upon the wound and covered it once again. Daire slept heavily.
Naill approached King Buro as soon as he returned to Tara.
" Well, did you find her.. drag her back here?" the King growled angrily.
" Er.. no.. not exactly." Naill replied.
" What with all your magic... I do not believe that you did not find Dagney!" Buro clenched his hands in frustration.
"It's all your fault... you know.. teaching her this Druid magic... she has mucked everything up... I could wring her scrawny neck.... and I'll see the ass who accompanied her drawn and quartered."
" Do you not care at all for your daughter?" Naill asked testily.
" How dare you question me! " Buro backhanded Naill. " Dagney is mine! My property to do with as I see fit.
Naill wiped blood from his bleeding lip. " Dagney belongs to no mortal creature, she is of the Tuatha De Danaan!" Naill rasped, turned and left the King. < I shan't tell him of finding the child. She deserves to be free. I pray to you Goddess Danu to protect her and her consort Daire..
Cormac bellowed for his nephew Liam to ready the horses. The Viking had camped shortly after midnight, and as he and his men were fed, it was time to catch that traitorous whelp Daire. Cormac thought all night about the torment he could inflict upon the traitor. Cormac decided that forcing him to watch the redheaded bitch cry out in torment would be pleasing. Cormac felt himself harden under his violent fantasy of torture and rape he was going to bestow on the whore. He had relieved himself twice during the night as he imagined her body ravaged and torn by him. He brushed his hand against his cock and shook the vision from his mind. < I need to catch them today. They couldn't have gotten far. >
"Liam, Cormac yelled again, the horses had damn well be ready!"
Dagney had watched Daire sleep soundly. It appeared that her poultice and offering to the death spirit had deterred him from taking Daire. Dagney had repacked the haversack and saddlebag of the man whose horse they had stolen. Dagney shuddered again when she realized how close she had come to being captured by the Vikings men and how close she came to loosing Daire. < Why is it that I could not recognize my feeling's until he was almost taken from me?> She looked longingly at Daire's chiseled features, and muscular body. Her body suffused with heat each time she looked at him. Dagney closed her eyes and smiled, recalling what it felt like to have his hands upon her body, his musky scent, the feel of his rippling muscles against her breasts, his member embedded deep within her, and the taste of his life's seed upon her lips.
" What have you done?" Daire clamored.
Dagney opened her green eyes and met Daire's shocked eyes.
" What?" Dagney asked.
" What,... What have you done to yourself?" he stood up and felt his body sway with weakness.
Dagney was at his side, " easy, you're still very weak from the fever," she said gripping his arms.
Daire lifted his hands, " You've cut your hair," and brushed his fingers against her short curly locks.
His finger moved lower and touched her cheek, " and you've covered yourself in mud" He uttered
Dagney pulled away from him. " Eye, and you best cover your naked arse before someone happens along." she stated perturbed, turning her back on him. < So what if he doesn't find me attractive any more. I need to disguise myself as a lad... I can cover my short hair... a little dirt and these baggy clothes. >
Daire stared at the women who had fought along his side, given him her virginity and taken his. < She looks like a lost little waif in those oversized clothes, and her beautiful locks shorn, and curled about her dirty face. > He inhaled and closed his eyes as visions of her body nude and glistening in the firelight riding him, sheathed in her as she drew him into her womb. His imagining and self-stimulation didn't compare to the exquisite sensation he experienced as her fiery core gripped him, sending him into the most intense climax he had ever experienced. She cried out his name... she took him into her mouth.
Daire was snapped out of his reverie as he heard her speak, " I'll get some more water and as soon as your dressed we need to leave here."
Daire watched her backside retreat from his view. He was painfully erect, < I need to start thinking with my head, like the witch or else we're both doomed. > Daire pulled on his breeches and struggled to button them. He found a clean shirt she had left next to the pallet. He slid it on; it was a might tight through his shoulder and too short to reach his wrists. He rolled up the sleeves, grabbed the wool cloak and left the ruins after his lover.
The stolen horse neighed and shifted sideways trying to shy away from Dagney. She tied the haversack and water bladder to the horse.
Daire chuckled. " Tis not funny," Dagney grumbled.
" I'll mount first, " Daire said. The motion caused him to wince in pain.
" Are you all right?" Dagney asked concern in her voice.
" I'm fine," Daire exhaled sharply; his chiseled featured marred by sweat.
Dagney holding the reins mounted the horse and settled herself against Daire's broad back. She immediately felt his forehead for fever.
" What? I'm not some old women, that needs to be fussed over!" Daire snapped. Besides, need you have rolled in dung to complete your charade?" he said sniffing. Daire felt Dagney shift as far away from him as possible and still remain on the horse. He cursed himself. < I know not what to say to her. I failed to protect her, got myself injured...I can't think of anything but wanting to couple with her again and again, damning the consequences... >
< How dare he... the boorish ass.... insult me after everything.... my helping him.... my mating with him...perhaps it meant naught... > Dagney felt tears well up in her eyes. She sniffed and wiped them away smearing the dirt about her nose. < I don't need him... no... as soon as we come to a village I shall be free from him.... >
Cormac and his men found the bodies of his three men. Cormac found a scrap of green silk in a man's who was stabbed in the gut. " They were here, they can't have gotten to much farther ahead on just one horse. He ordered four pairs of men to advance the group and look for tracks. Cormac grinned evilly. " By tonight I shall warm my bedroll with the bitch." His laughter made Liam's stomach lurch. < Please let them both get far away. >
Niall regretted his words spoken in anger to the King. He grimaced and wheezed painfully as his broken rib sent waves of pain shooting through his aching body. He couldn't see out of one eye, as it was swollen, not that there was anything to see in the dark dungeon. His lips were cracked and scabbed and he was very thirsty. < I only hope I am not bleeding inside. > Niall shifted slightly feeling pain from his ribs and his back. < I just had to loose my temper. > Niall replayed the events in his mind. He never made it to the library door before the King grabbed him and demanded he explain his comment about his daughter. Niall refused, but the King called several guards and proceeded to beat Niall. The King asked if Dagney were Niall's bastard child. Niall remained silent. The king ordered Cleo to watch. The King raged that his wench of a wife would likely tell all unless she wanted her consort to be slain. Cleo kept silent through his beating pleading ignorance. 'Twas not until the King wrenched his breeches and threatened to cut his manhood off did Cleo admit that Dagney was not her daughter. The king bellowed in rage and asked for an explanation. Cleo admitted that the babe was brought to her a foundling by the fertility Goddess Aine. Naill watched as the King stared dumbfounded at his wife. He knew the King did not expect to hear that the girl he thought was of his flesh was a gift of the underworld. The King ordered Niall to be taken to the dungeon and his wife to be locked in her chamber.
Daire and Dagney approached the small village of Gilbert. They had been riding for several hours in silence. Despite Dagney's silence, unpleasant odor and physical distance from Daire, he could not seem to rid himself of his arousal for the damn witch. < I wonder if she is regretted our coupling.... She probably thinking about her love Niall. >
Daire started when Dagney finally found her voice, "We need to have a story to explain ourselves and our journey into Gilbert. Small villages spread news quickly. I think we should state that we are brothers and that we are searching for the villain Daire who has kidnapped Princess Dagney for the King's reward." She explained matter of fact. Daire began to laugh.
" We're supposed to be brothers... in search of... us?" Dare laughed. "Dagney, I agree a small village like Gilbert will notice two strangers but, surely no one will beleive you and I are brothers." he said shaking his head.
" I think it's a very good plan" Dagney sputtered testily. " Mayhap, you have a better idea!" she replied hands on her slim hips.
Dare bit the inside of his lip to keep from laughing as he caught Dagney's murderous glare. " I... well.... No...but... what shall I call you?" he asked. " I know, Red... I shall call you Red." He replied smiling, his blue eyes full of mirth.
" Fine, and I shall call you Duncan." Dagney said, as she pulled the haversack off the horse's back.
" Duncan, hmmm, I'm not sure I like that.." he teased.
Dagney rolled her eyes and sauntered towards the small pub. Daire looked at her retreating backside, < I wonder if we can get a room, with a real bed? > Daire trotted after her.
Cormac and his men found the abandoned cottage. "They were here, the embers in the fireplace are still warm. They can't be too far ahead of us." Cormac smiled evilly. < Oh my little wife, you shall be screaming in no time. >
Liam felt sick; he was wracking his brain trying to come up with some sort of plan to warn Daire and Dagney. < It will be too late if Cormac find them. >
Naill dozed fitfully. He dreamed he was back in Tuatha De Danaan. He stood before Danu.
" Naill, you have done well in training Dagney in our ways, but you have failed in your mission to keep Dagney safe in the upper world." She lectured.
" I'm sorry Goddess... I will do my best to ensure her safety..."
" Naill, it is my will that you seek out Dagney, for now it is not just she who need your protection." She said.
" You mean her companion, Dare?" Naill asked.
"No, I have just had a vision of Dagney's destiny.. her purpose in the mortal realm, was pre-destined long before she was born into the Tuatha De Danaan." Danu explained.
Naill looked perplexed, " Her destiny, I thought was to live in the upper world to help bridge a union between our worlds."
" That is correct, but this is not as simple as it appears to be. Dagney is special in that she is the first... " She said.
" The first to do what?" Naill asked nervously.
Danu smiled, "Dagney is the first of our world to become pregnant with a mortal man."
" But Dagney isn't....", Naill closed his eyes recalling her words, "Dare is my consort."
"Naill, it is not just that she carries a child... but the child is also a first... she is a chosen one." Danu explained.
Naill was in shock, " Goddess, you don't mean that the prophesy of a special child, whom shall be born unto the world to battle evil has come to fruition?"
"Yes, Naill, Dagney's child is to be a slayer. This child is a chosen one.. She is the first..." Danu answered.
" Naill, you must seek out Dagney and her child and protect them both at all costs. Do you understand you new mission? You must not fail! Failure would mean the upper world would very likely be consumed by evil. Just as our kind walks with the mortals, so do creatures from the demon dimension. " Dagney and her child are in grave danger, from a demon. He wishes to destroy her. You must stop him Naill. You must save the child... the chosen one.."
Daire paid the innkeeper and asked that a cold supper be prepared. He noticed that Dagney looked like she was going to drop on her feet. A lot had happened in the past twelve hours. < She must be exhausted, escaping from Cormac and her father, tending me, and taking a lover for the first time. > Daire moved his hand and softly brushed her cheek. Dagney gave him a warning glance and shook her head; " Duncan, yea best see to the horse." She turned and looked at the innkeeper, "my brother will pick up our supper when he returns. We've ridden long and hard from Tara and our looking for the scoundrel that has kidnapped Princess Dagney. Have you see any strangers in town?" Dagney asked.
" No, can't say that I have except for the two of you," he replied.
" Well there is a large reward for the safe return of the duo. You see anything .... Or anybody else looking for them, let us know.... If we catch them first... we would give you a token of our appreciation."
Daire stood amazed with the lies rolling off Dagney tongue. < She's mighty good at deceiving. >
The innkeeper agreed to keep the two informed. Dagney gave Daire a little shove as she walked past him towards the stairs. " The horse is awaiting and I'm starved, hurry," she cajoled.
Daire smiled and watched Dagney as she climbed the stairs. < I'm mighty peckish myself; but food won't sate me, like you Red. > Daire whistled as he exited the inn.
Dagney unlocked the small room. It smelled worse than she did. She quickly crossed the room and opened the window. Her eyes took in the small bed. < At least it'll be warmer and more comfortable than last night. Oh Hera, what a mess I've gotten into. What am I going to do about Daire? If Cormac finds us he'll kill him. My father won't accept Daire, as he has no property. It won't matter to him that I've taken him as a consort. > Dagney felt a tightening in her core as she recalled their mating. She now recognized the heat and slickness between her legs as her body's longing for him. Dagney sighed and laid upon the small bed. < What shall I do? Oh Naill, I wish you were here to advise me? > Dagney closed her eyes and drifted into a fitful slumber.
Cormac had decided to set up camp for the night. He was too agitated to sleep. He decided to stretch his legs.
" Who's there?" he asked drawing his knife and looking about into the darkness. < I feel eyes upon me! >
"I know you're there, show yourself!" he commanded.
"I mean you no harm," a deep voice said.
" Show yourself!" Cormac repeated.
" I've come to help you in your search for vengeance." The voice explained.
Cormac watched as a dark entity seemed to detach itself from a nearby oak, tree trunk.
" What demon are you?" Cormac asked, fear knotting his belly.
The entity laughed, " I come to offer redemption. You seek vengeance on a couple." The wizened creature stated.
" You know where they are?" Cormac asked.
" Yes, I do... I want only one think in return," the creature replied.
" What?" Cormac asked with trepidation.
" I want to share you body?"
Cormac interrupted the grotesque creature, " I shall not lay with you!" he roared.
The creature laughed, " No, let me explain."
Naill had managed to use his remain strength to cast a spell calling to his lover Cleo. Cleo managed to distract the guard and release Naill. Naill took in the bruises on his lover's face. " He beat you also, I'm sorry." Naill whispered.
" No, it is I who am sorry, Naill, your hurt, the King is aware that Dagney is not his child. I am terrified of what he might do," Cleo cried.
" She is in grave danger Cleo, I must get to her. I need your help. I must get to my room, gather supplies I need for a healing spell. Then I will find Dagney and keep her safe, you have my word." Naill gasped, as Cleo helped him from the dungeon. < I must find her and protect both her and the babe she carries. The babe is to be the chosen one. She is in mortal danger. The prophecy is in motion and demons from the underworld will stop at nothing to kill her and the child. I won't let that happen!>
Dare tended the horses in the livery. As he passed back through the inn, he asked that water be heated. Dare explained that he and 'his brother' were in need of a bath. The innkeeper chuckled, "Ey noticed the little lad smelled a bit ripe."
Dare paid the innkeeper the extra coins for the bath and climbed the stairs.
Cormac felt like he couldn't breath. The creature had transformed from its ugly continence into a yellowish green looking cloud of mist. This mist was covering his body, pressing upon him, filling up his nose and mouth. The smell, the taste, Cormac gagged and the puss colored cloud rushed in his open mouth. Cormac lost consciousness. The entity felt euphoric. It felt aroused by this man's evil soul. The entity crushed any goodness in the man. It spew forth from the man's mouth the remains of the man's goodness. The entity ruled the man's body and embraced his evil soul. The transformed Cormac felt all-powerful. He laughed. < I will see you both die once again, at my hands. >
Naill's use of magic had helped him in healing the broken bones and bruised limbs. He was mentally exhausted and physically very sore. He was frightened for Dagney and for the chosen one she carried. If Naill failed to protect her, this world would be overrun by evil. Danu had warned him of the evil demon Adomnan who wanted to see Dagney dead.
Daire opened the door to the room and found Dagney sound asleep. He smiled, and felt his heart lurch. This young woman was his. He loved her with his entire being. Although they had met less than two days ago it seemed that he had waited for her his whole life. When she was near, when he gazed upon her, when they were one he was whole, complete. Daire shook his head, < the romantic notions, she's gorgeous lass for sure, with a mighty caustic tongue... > He felt his loins tighten as he though about her hot mouth and her heavenly tongue.
Dagney was dreaming she was being chased. She tried to run faster, yet her waist was thick and heavy. She was afraid for her baby. He would kill them both. She couldn't let that happen not after what she had sacrificed. She cried out for Naill.
Dagney stirred restlessly, and cried out " Naill" and sat up with a start.
Daire's erotic thoughts were doused quickly. < I think of her and she dreams of him. >
Dagney grabbed her abdomen and looked at Daire in surprise. " You're alive" she gasped.
" Are you ill?" Daire asked his ire reined, thinking she was sick, as he moved to the bed.
"No," she replied, " I thought you were dead." Her emerald eyes filled with unshed tears.
He sat on the bed, and softly caressed her dirty cheek, " 'Twas only a dream, Red."
"I've asked for water so we could bath." "Once you're clean and fed, you'll sleep better without bad dreams." He said.
Daire rose from the bed and moved to the door and began to drag the heavy wooden tub into the room. The innkeeper and his wife dragged up several cauldrons of boiling water. Dagney sat quietly upon the bed watching them come and go, absorbed in deep thought.
Daire locked the door as they left, "So would you like to go first?" he asked feeling his face flush.
Liam had sneaked away as Cormac's men settled down for the night. He was going to try and search nearby for Dagney and Daire to warm them away. He had traveled in an arc around the perimeter of the encampment. He was bone weary and was headed back towards camp since sunrise would be in about three hours.
Dagney sat silently on the bed thinking about what Daire meant to her. She felt drawn to him since the moment she saw him. She had always resisted any plans to be married off. She resented her father treating her like a prize mare, or chattel. She had always loved Naill, he was her mentor, her father and perhaps he was to be her savior, yet she knew he was not to be a lover. The powerful sensations Daire was able to evoke from her body, by just a look, let alone a touch, drove all coherent thought from her head. Dagney prided herself on her ability to be in control, to plan; yet when she was with him, she felt like a leaf in the wind. She had fought for him, she had killed for him, and she knew she would die for him if necessary. She had found a part of herself that had always been empty. Her body and soul ached to be with him, needed him to draw breath. The awful nightmare she had was unlike any other. In it she was without him, yet not completely empty as she carried his child. In the dream, she was in grave danger as was their child.
Daire interrupted her silent reverie, " So would you like to bathe first he asked?"
Dagney smiled at the young man who stood shyly by the door. She rose from the bed and began to slip off her soiled garments. She locked her gaze with his cerulean eyes. His eyes never left hers as she disrobed. She looked away from him and moved towards the large copper tub. She climbed in the tub and sat back. She felt his gaze still upon her, making her skin feel warmer than the hot water she was immersed in. She cupped her hands and splashed water over her dirty face.
Daire stood immobilized the moment she smiled at him. Her green eyes darker than thick foliage, met his and he felt like he had been standing to close to a lightening bolt. He knew she was undressing; unabashedly, yet he could not tear his eyes away from her mesmerizing orbs. He felt his breathing increase; his blood course throughout his body as it began to pool towards his manhood. He knew she was naked, yet he couldn't move. When she looked away first, he felt like a part of his being was being wrenched away. As she turned her back on him and moved towards the tub, his eyes caressed her supple body. He watched her walk with feline grace, her long legs, her slim hips. He bit his lip as she climbed into the tub, her pale, firm backside, jutting backward, offering a glimpse of her womanly sex. No one had ever possessed her but him, no one else ever would. He watched as she sluiced water over her face. Droplets ran down her long neck, and were captured by her collarbone. Other droplets caressed her pert breasts, one balancing magically on her dusky nipple.
"I would hate for you to have to take a cold bath," she murmured softly. She looked up at him once again. "I think there is room for you," she said huskily.
Dagney watched Daire's chiseled cheeks split by a wide grin. She wanted to giggle as he practically tore off his shirt. However, as he stood before her bare chested, laughing was the last thing on her mind. She had plenty of time to gawk at his finally muscled chest when she was tending his injuries, yet she was still awestruck by his beauty. He had pulled off his boots and was reaching for his pants. Dagney, licked her lips, as she looked at the dark trail of hair that lead from his bellybutton, < Oh Hera> to his thick, ticklish nest of curls. Her eyes were riveted, to his very erect manhood. Strange how her core could feel even slicker and hotter than the very water she sat in. His muscular thighs clenched and unclenched as he moved towards her. Her breasts ached and her core seemed to throb in synchronous movement to his powerful thigh muscles. His manhood bobbed pleasingly, Dagney recalled the soft texture, and contours and his elixir's taste.
Daire stood in front of the copper tub and gripped Dagney by the shoulders, pulling her upright. He quickly stepped into the tub, pulled her dripping form against his hard body. They both hissed in amatory delight. He captured her lips with his, they became one breath. Her hands explored his muscular chest. He moaned into her mouth as her fingernails scraped against his nipples. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, and he sucked at her bottom lips. He slid his hands from her shoulders to grip her round the waist and pull her flush against his body. Dagney slid her hands up around Daire's neck. As her breasts rubbed against his chest she knew she would have fallen if he hadn't been holding her up. He felt his manhood throbbing against her flat stomach. He needed to sit down before he fell down. He pulled them both down into the warm water. Water splashed over the edge of the tub. Dagney and Dare were both kneeling in the copper tub. He moved his lips from hers and placed hungry wet kisses along her neck and collarbone. His hands slid over her slim back down to cup her ass cheeks. Dagney mewled her pleasure and clawed at his back trying to bring him closer. She could feel his manhood teasing her womanly bud, thrust her hips forward to try and maintain contact with his satisfying hardness. Daire could take no more. He needed to possess her; he moved his hands from her ass to the back of her thighs, as he leaned back on his haunches. He met her eyes once again, and she responded to his silent command to become one with him. She grasped his cock with one small hand and eased herself onto his member. He filled her completely and she cried out his name, as he echoed hers. Time seemed to stand still as they moved together as one body, one soul, their pleasure filled cries announcing to the world their union.
Dagney's head rested upon Daire's shoulder, her heart beating rapidly, as she drew in needed breaths. She was still amazed how powerful, mating with this man was. She could feel his heartbeat against her breast, She felt one of his hand's drawing lazy circles upon her lower back, the other still cupped her ass cheek.
He knew he should move them to the bed, as the tub water was getting cold, he noted Dagney's soft skin was starting to shirr with gooseflesh. He felt chilled too, and his legs were beginning to cramp, yet he couldn't make himself move. He was still embedded in her sex, his member spent. He felt complete, joined with her, enveloped in her tight core, holding her within his arms. Her heat, her passion, her scent, her taste, her voice, her smile, her eyes, he loved this young women. He wasn't sure how he lived or breathed before he met her.
Daire moved his head slightly and began to lick the moisture from her neck. Dagney inhaled sharply, and clutched at his shoulder blades. He felt himself begin to stir within her. Daire stood up on shaky legs, Dagney rose also, and she felt him slip out of her, lost contact with his skin. Dagney whimpered her displeasure; Daire captured her face between his hands and kissed her softly upon the lips. He licked at her lips; he hummed his pleasure, sending renewed sensation of heat and desire coursing through her chilled body. He scooped her up in his arms and carefully climbed out of the tub.
Dagney smiled and met his smoldering, blue eyed gaze, as he carried her across the room and placed her gently upon the small bed.
" You are so beautiful," he whispered huskily as he knelt over her prone body running his fingers lightly over her wet flesh. Dagney felt her nipples tighten even more as he traced her areola with his finger. She opened her mouth and exhaled sharply, she moaned out loud as Daire lowered his head,licked and nipped her dusky pearl. Her hands grasped the back of his neck, her fingers brushing his silky dark locks.
Daire felt his cock stiffen and begin to throb as he licked and nibbled upon her firm breasts. The sounds of her building excitement music to his ears, sang to his blood, spurring his desire for her higher. He licked between the valley of her breasts, he continued to tease her buds between his fingers as he licked at her belly. He noted her shifting uneasily upon the bed, he looked up at her and smiled, meeting her lust filled eyes. He trailed his hands over her breasts, down her sides, along her ribcage, until he gripped her slim hips. He stuck his tongue into her belly button, and was rewarded by her startled squeal. He shifted his body and ran his hands across her abdomen, and traced along the edge of her red curls. He looked at her wild eyes and her heaving breasts.
Dagney felt tension throughout her body. Daire's touches, caresses, were making her feel so wet and hot at her core. She wanted him to mate with her, to bring her release. She wasn't accustom to begging but she needed him to fill her. She saw that he was hard, she could see that his muscular chests rose and fell as if he was engaged in hard labor.
" Please", she begged.
He smiled at her as he tangled his fingers in her womanly curls. Dagney realized he meant to touch her there with his fingers. < Oh Goddess, does he mean to taste me too? >
Daire parted her slick folds, and lowered his head to gaze at her center. Although they had coupled several times, he had not looked upon her sex. She was glistening and wet her nether lips flush and inviting. He placed an open mouth kiss upon her center. He was surprised by her reaction. She cried out his name and bucked her hips. He felt a surge of rapture in giving her such pleasure. He stuck his tongue into her slick center and teased the tight flesh.
Dagney whimpered and gripped his head. The sensations he was creating were driving her mad. She wanted him to stop teasing her, yet at the same time she thought she would die if he stopped. " Oh Goddess," she hissed. He ran his tongue over her hard nubbin and she felt like she was going to come apart. Her body tightened and she felt an ache deep within. He laved and sucked her sensitive bundle of nerves. She could feel her legs shaking and her breasts felt heavy and tight. Her sex violently tightened, she felt the spasms deep within her womb. Her muscles clenched in her legs and ass. She yelled out his name in harsh gasping breaths.
Daire thought he might climax just watching her writhe and call out his name. He moved his turgid shaft to her sopping cleft and entered her. He thrust hard and fast, feeling her walls convulse around him. He felt his sacs contract and his seaman shoot into her. He echoed her name with each contraction. He collapsed upon her, quickly rolling over and pulling her atop him, he kissed her brow. " Sweet, Goddess I love you."
Liam was almost back to camp. He noted the orange hue upon the horizon, announcing that the sun was just about to rise. The night had been cold and damp; white, smoky fog tendrils still caressed much of the landscape. Liam's horse became skittish. " Easy girl," he whispered. Liam felt a shiver run up his spine. He was practically upon the camp and yet at this time of morn, he should hear stirring of life. His horse whinnied alarm and it was then that Liam's nose was assailed with the sent of death.
The sun crested the horizon illuminating the fog; Liam saw what remained of the camp. He drew in a deep breath and almost retched as he drew in the stench of blood and bowels. Corpses of what Liam knew to be men lay about the ground, at first Liam though the fog may be creating the illusion of extensive dismemberment. His eyes saw limbs and torsos and heads, the bodies bloody yet his brain expected the fog to be hiding the rest of the poor souls body. Liam stopped his horse and stared frozen at the tableau of horror. Something evil had eviscerated and disemboweled and torn apart these men. Liam Liam heard was sounded like a wounded animal. He drew his rapier, thinking the evil creature was about to attack him also. The cry repeated and this it almost sounded like words.
Liam cautiously followed the sound, he found Connor, an old man who had served his uncle Cormac for many years hiding in a nearby cops of trees. Connor was bloody and Liam could see how the old man had tried to keep his bodies organs with his abdomen, which was torn open. Liam swallowed hard, he looked Connor in the eye, both men were aware that this type of wound was fatal. " What happened?" Liam managed to croak out. " Cormac", Connor whispered. " Yes," Liam replied, knowing that the old man was going to tell him his uncle was dead. " Cormac did this, savagery..... he was like some rabid creature." Connor spat.
Liam looked puzzled, no human man could have done this, and the old man must be confused.
" He glowed, he kept getting stronger with each kill... he's evil incarnate." Connor gasped.
Liam looked at Connor, this old man had befriended him treated him kindly when his uncle was angry with him. Liam felt the shock of this savage attack wane as a wave of anger overtook him.
" Lad, please..." Connor whispered.
" Yes, what?" Liam asked, wanting to comfort the dying man, yet afraid to touch him.
" Please.. finish... it hurts.." he gasped.
Liam eyes widened in horror, < No> his mind screamed.
He saw the look of pain in the old man's eyes. Liam swallowed; he picked up his rapier and plunged it into the heart of his friend. " Godspeed," he whispered as tears fell from his dark eyes.
To be continued...
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