Bored Series - Destinations -- by Ruby
Rating: PG
Description: Wild goose chases and unlikely alliances, sequel to Conversations.
Note: Conclusion to the Bored Series. Dedication -- To Charity, for posting this series on her site--thank you!! And to all of you who have given me such lovely feedback throughout the series.
Disclaimer: Joss owns all. I own nothing. Story of my life.
"Xander, this is a really, really bad idea," Buffy said. "I promised I'd leave them alone."
"You've got to change that recording. I'm getting tired of hearing the same old messgage," Xander replied. "Anyway, since when are you honor-bound to keep promises to demons?"
"Willow isn't a demon."
"She does a damn good impression of one," Xander said. "Are you coming with me or not?"
Buffy gave hims a hard look, then nodded and crept around the side of the warehouse.
"It's too quiet," she whispered. "You think they're expecting us?"
"I didn't phone ahead. Did you?" Xander asked.
She rolled her eyes and reached for the door, surprised to find it unlocked. She pushed it open, and Xander followed her inside. The building was dark and empty.
"They're gone!" the slayer exclaimed as her eyes swept the deserted warehouse.
"You think they knew? How?" Xander asked.
Their eyes met, and they spoke in unison, "Angel."
"Everything's set," Angel spoke. "You leave at midnight."
Spike's blue eyes looked guardedly at Angel, "You're not planning any bon voyage parties, are you?"
Angel's patience was wearing thin, "You don't have to go along with this. Stay here. Fight your damn battle with Buffy. Do you want white or red roses for Willow's grave?"
"London's so far away," Willow interrupted the argument.
"I know," Angel's eyes softened as they shifted to look at her. "I hate the idea, too, but Buffy won't be able to track you down there. I'll run interference, keep her busy looking for you here. It's the only way, for now."
She nodded, "Will you keep in touch? I'll miss you."
Angel took her tiny hands in his, "I don't think we should communicate directly for awhile. I've arranged for a contact to meet you at the dock in London. Keep in touch with him. He'll relay any messages."
Wilow reached up and kissed Angel's cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. The sad realization that he would not be close to her for a very long time overwhelmed him.
Angel snarled as Spike latched onto Willow's arm and pulled her forcefully away from him.
"Guests," Spike said as his ears tuned into the sound of soft footsteps outside.
Angel gestured toward the dark corridor, and Spike pulled Willow out of the room seconds before Buffy entered.
"Angel, they're gone," the slayer spoke.
"Gone?" Angel asked her as Xander appeared behind her.
"Spike and Willow. The warehouse is empty. They're gone," she explained.
"What the hell were you doing there? I thought you agreed to--"
"Did you tell them?" Xander blurted out.
"Tell them what?"
"That we were headed there to get Willow out," he snapped.
"I wasn't privy to your little plan, remember? I would have, though, if I'd have known about it," Angel said angrily.
"You don't know where they are?" Buffy asked, looking at Angel closely.
"No," he replied firmly. The fact that Buffy had lied to Willow assuaged any sense of guilt about lying to her.
"We have to find them," she said softly.
"You'll do it without my help," he told her.
"Angel!" Buffy walked over to him and looked up at him. "We have to help Willow!"
Angel's face clouded over with anger, "Damn it, Buffy! Listen to
yourself. You're obsessed! Haven't you 'helped' Willow enough? Or are you planning on helping her into a coffin?"
Buffy was stung by Angel's outburst, "They don't belong together."
"I've heard the same said about the two of us," Angel stated.
"You'd never hurt me," Buffy argued. "Willow's in danger as long as Spike has her. Please, we need your help."
"I'll ask around," Angel consented. "But that's as far as I'll go. If you're planning on chasing her down, you can count me out."
Buffy recognized the look of determination in Angel's eyes and knew he wouldn't be persuaded, "All right. We'll check out some of the abandoned buildings. You'll let us know if you hear anything?" Angel nodded.
Willow pushed herself away from Angel's embrace, "We have to go. Thank you, Angel, for everything."
Angel smiled sadly as she stepped back, and Spike's hand wrapped itself around hers.
"Take care of her," Angel warned him. "If you hurt her, I'll track you down and rip your heart right up through your throat."
Spike smirked, "She'll be fine. I'll see to it."
Angel nodded and moved away as Spike opened the car door for Willow.
"Where's Buffy?" she asked as she slid onto the seat.
"I've sent her on a wild goose chase on the other side of town. It'll take her a couple of hours before she realizes it's fruitless," Angel told her. "You'll be long gone by then."
Spike paused and then reluctantly extended his hand, "Thanks, Angel."
Willow grinned at Angel's obvious discomfort as he shook her lover's hand.
"I'll keep Buffy distracted here for a few weeks," Angel told her. "Get settled in, and get word to me where you are."
Deciding he owned him at least that much, Spike nodded his consent. Angel felt his cold heart tighten as Spike walked around the car and climbed in. Willow slid close to him, and he bent his head to kiss her.
Willow turned and waggled her fingers at Angel as Spike pulled away.
The End
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