Welcome to the Jungle -- NC-17

Buffy and Spike are forced into a deadly game. (1st G)

The Dance -- R

Interlude after Welcome to the Jungle. (2nd G)

The Shadows Breathe -- NC-17

Buffy and Spike get wrapped up in another game. (3rd G)




Nothing Else Matters -- NC-17

Buffy and Spike get cleaned up and discuss what happened with the gang. (4th G)

Journey to the Mind -- NC-17

Buffy & Spike are kidnaped yet again, this time with Willow & Angel. (5th G)

Conversation Kills -- PG-13

The day after the friends get out of the House. (6th G)



Master of Puppets -- NC-17

Buffy gets an invitation to the Endgame. (7th G)

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