Whipped Cream -- by wensar1

Rating: PG

Description: Buffy and Xander play a trick on Willow that reveals some secrets.

Note: A short whacky piece that got spit out of the crazy hole in the back of my mind :)...Takes place after 'Hush'. Harmony never existed.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot and any new characters. Please don't sue.:)

They had all stayed up later than they thought they would. The Scooby Gang was now fast asleep in Giles' living room after a long night of researching. Giles had retreated to his bedroom while Buffy and Xander had each taken to some reclining chairs. Spike fell asleep on the couch and Willow lay sprawled on the coffee table in peaceful slumber. Anya sat next to Xander while in dreamland.

Xander woke to see everyone asleep in said places. He looked over to Willow and a childish idea popped into his head that he just couldn't pass up. He nudged Buffy. She woke and looked at him before whispering, "What?"

Xander replied. "Let's play a trick on Will."

Buffy shook her head. "I don't know."

He smiled. "Come on. It'll be fun."

She responded. "Oh. Okay."

"Great. You go get the whipped cream and I'll get the feather."

Buffy smiled and went to the kitchen. This wasn't too bad.

Buffy went back in the living room, can of whipped cream in hand.

"Did you get the feather?" He looked defeated and held up a tissue.

"Best I could do. But don't underestimate these things. They're pretty darn ticklish."

"Right." They walked over and knelt to one side of Willow. Buffy was about to fill Willow's hand when she realized...

"Wait. Is she left handed or right handed?" Xander nodded.

"Good idea. She is... um...um...I don't know." Buffy sighed and rolled her eyes. She filled a hand with whipped cream.Xander brushed the tissue lightly over Willow's nose.

Spike's eyes snapped open. He turned his head and saw what Xander and Buffy were doing to Willow. As soon as they noticed his current state of non-sleep he sat up and glared at them.

Xander asked innocently, "What?"

Spike rolled his eyes and took the offending items away. He was about to clean Willow's hand when he realized what the creamy substance was. It's whipped cream! He just couldn't waste it. He loved whipped cream.

Spike held up Willow's hand and began to lick it off. Buffy and Xander watched in shock and horror. Willow started stirring from the sensation.

She mumbled. "Spike, are you licking me again?" Willow giggled and continued with her eyes still closed. "We could take the whipped cream in the other room." Spike stopped, bracing for the painful death sure to come. Buffy and Xander were speechless but the looks on their faces were that of impending doom.

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