Longing After Immortality -- NC-17
First in the I Change but I Cannot Die Series. (1st CD)
Sunnyhell Revisited -- NC-17
Spike and Willow take a trip. (2nd CD)
Remnants of Humanity -- NC-17
Spike and Angel and Willow, and Spike and Willow. (3rd CD)
We Are Not Who We Were -- PG-13
A bit of background, which I hope isn't too boring. (4th CD)
Make Up My Mind -- NC-17
Willow gets an external conscience. (5th CD)
Childe's Play -- PG-13
Spike gives Willow some pointers on how to play. (6th CD)
The Pleasures of Your Company -- NC-17
Xander meets a long-lost friend, much to his dismay. (7th CD)
Are You In There? -- PG-13
Angel goes in search of Xander. (8th CD)
Tempting Furies -- R
Will Xander never learn? (9th CD)
Past Regrets and Future Fears -- PG-13
Don't ever honor a request from Xander. (10th CD)
Shadows of Turning -- NC-17
The best laid plans... (11th CD)