Out of the Shadows -- PG-13

Willow begins to move on, with a little help. (1st CH)

Small Steps -- PG-13

Spike collects on his bet. (2nd CH)

Splinters of Sorrow -- PG-13

Willow's bad day. (3rd CH)

Healing Wounds -- PG-13

Spike applies a little more salve to Willow's wounded heart. (4th CH)

Letting Go -- PG-13

Willow begins to move on. (5th CH)

Not So Alone -- PG-13

Spike rescues Willow from an unwanted situation. (6th CH)

Restless -- PG-13

Late night conversation. (7th CH)

Invitation -- PG-13

Willow offers Spike an invitation. (8th CH)

Sordid -- PG-13

Winter dance. (9th CH)

Christmas Thingy -- PG-13

Willow needs help with a present. (10th CH)

Gift Wrapping -- PG-13

Willow wraps gifts. (11th CH)

Mistletoe -- PG-13

Willow and Buffy help Giles decorate. (12th CH)

Christmas Vampire -- PG-13

Christmas morning at Willow's. (13th CH)

Time -- PG-13

Time for Willow to give Spike his present. (14th CH)

Times Past -- PG-13

Spike's gift to Willow. (15th CH)

Guest -- PG-13

Company calls. (16th CH)

Secret No More -- PG-13

Xander and Anya learn of Willow and Spike's relationship. (17th CH)

New Year's Arrival -- PG-13

New Year's Eve. (18th CH)

Past Wounds -- PG-13

Difficult reunion. (19th CH)

Know This -- PG-13

Willow confronts Oz. (20th CH)

Faded Dreams -- PG-13

Willow admits what it is that she wants. (21st CH)

Connecting -- PG-13

Willow loses her patience with Oz. (22nd CH)

Trust Me -- PG-13

Spike schemes. (23rd CH)

Accomplice -- PG-13

Spike recruits an ally. (24th CH)

Set In Motion -- PG-13

Anya sets Spike's plan in motion. (25th CH)

Hidden Truth -- PG-13

Anya meets with Spike. (26th CH)

Lighting the Fuse -- PG-13

Spike prepares to expose Oz's secret. (27th CH)

Action and Reaction -- PG-13

Oz takes Anya's advice. (28th CH)

Arrival -- PG-13

Guess who's in town? (29th CH)

Cold Truth -- PG-13

Oz doesn't have a secret anymore. (30th CH)

Hurting -- PG-13

Buffy has it out with Oz. (31st CH)

Damage Control -- PG-13

Willow talks to Riley. (32nd CH)

Found Out -- PG-13

Ivy visits Willow and Spike. (33rd CH)

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