Clowning Around -- NC-17

Badfic. Willow gets kidnapped by clowns. (1st Why)

Marauding Frogs -- R

Willow and Spike are attacked by frogs. (2nd Why)

Dive-Bomb -- PG-13

Willow and Spike are attacked by birds. (3rd Why)

Pineapples? -- PG-13

Beware anonymous gifts. (4th Why)

Angel's Among Us -- R

Angel shows up. (5th Why)

Nuts -- NC-17

Another beast-ly encounter. (6th Why)

Hallucinogenic Garlic -- PG-13

Willow has garlic breath. (7th Why)

In the Pink -- NC-17

Willow and Spike are bugged. (8th Why)

Flaming Reptiles -- PG-13

Willow and Spike arrive a little too late to help Buffy slay a Demon. (9th Why)

Leaf Us Alone -- PG-13

Willow learns to hate plants. (10th Why)

Can't Have Your Cake -- NC-17

Spike and Willow in a sticky situation. (11th Why)

Time to Tell -- NC-17

The gang finds out about Spike and Willow. (12th Why)

A Load Of. . . -- R

The gang finds themselves in more crap than they ever dreamed Possible. (13th Why)

The Color of Envy -- PG-13

Spike and Willow learn the true nature of Buffy's objections. (14th Why)

Hare-y Attacker -- PG-13

Not all furry creatures are harmless. (15th Why)

Tricks or Treats -- PG-13

Willow and Spike celebrate Halloween. (16th Why)

Down, Boy! -- NC-17

Spike has a...problem. (17th Why)

Flushed With Love -- PG-13

Valentine's Day, Plagued-style. (18th Why)

Pussy -- PG-13

Spike is in desperate need of help. (19th Why)

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